Friends Again

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Chapter 25 - Friends Again

I turn over then yawn. It's a new day, and today I woke up before my alarm! It's a miracle! I open my phone to disable it before it goes off. I jump out of my bed, I have energy today! I get into my uniform, eat breakfast then leave. I begin my walk to school. I want to see Zane, I know I can't really talk to him while he's with the Jury, so I don't really know when I can, we don't have biology today. It's a bummer. As I walk past his house I look over and smile. We're friends again! My eyes return to the path, I'll see him soon! I continue my walk till I reach the school gate. I walk in, I take a mild detour to the tree so I can pass by the Jury. He looks right at me. I shoot him a small smile, he does a small nod in return. I then head to the tree. I sit for a little bit on my phone.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Bring Bring* time for homeroom! Maybe I should sit with him. I walk in through the front entrance of the school, we end up walking near each other. Before long we enter homeroom, I head to the chair near his but am stopped by the sight of Aphmau. Her face is red, red with sadness, tears are falling down her face like a river. What happened? Zane spots this.

"It's ok, check in on her. I'll see you later." He urges.

"Thanks, I'll see you later." I agree then walk over. Aphmau keeps balling.

"You ok Aph?" I ask.

"*Sniff* Kai likes someone else." She sobs. Kawaii~Chan is hugging her while Katelyn is patting her back.

"Aph, it's ok! You still have us and you can always still be his friend." Katelyn suggests. I sit next to her and she leans towards me. "She's been crying all morning and I don't know what to do, please help me (Y/N)!" She begs under her breath to me.

"Awww, poor thing! I don't know what to do either! We could always just try to take her mind off it with something!" I suggest. I walk over to Aph in the middle of the girls. I grab a tissue and pass it to her.

"*Sniff* Thanks (Y/N)." She grabs the tissue and blows into it.

"Aph, It'll be ok! What class do you have first today?" I ask, trying to distract her, hoping it's something fun.

"It's Math!" She balls.

"Oh, no! Umm, how's your art project going?" I inquire.

"It's going alright." She blubbers.

"What's it about?" I wonder.

"It's a sculpture of my dog plush! I really want a dog one day! If I get one, I think I'll name her Celestia!" She beams through her sadness.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good dog name! What breed would you want to get?" I perist.

"A-a Siberian Husky!" She chimes. "They're adorable!" She smiles at me.

"They sure sound adorable!" I chime back.

"They really are! Let me show you some photos!" Her sadness has now disappeared, we all look at dog photo's on Aph's phone until the end of homeroom.

*Bring Bring* Time for English. Katelyn and I head off. I wave to Zane on my way out and he waves back.

"... What was that? Did I miss something?" Katelyn interrogates.

"Well, we're friends again! I ran into him in the afternoon and there was a whole thing and we're friends again!" I chime. Katelyn's jaw drops.

"OMI, I missed heaps! Irene, when Aph and Kawaii~Chan find out about this they will freak out! Aph's thing with Kai was such bad timing... I'm happy you're friends again!" She beams. "Just don't get involved in any of that jury business!" She warns.

"I know it's huge! I still feel bad for Aph. But I will never join the jury, don't worry!" I reply.

"Good to hear!" She cheers. We get to English and sit down. "So, do you have anything planned yet for your rekindled friendship?" She probes.

"Uh- no, not yet... We didn't really think about that... We were more just happy to be friends again." I admit.

"Well, then you need to plan something with him!" She suggests with enthusiasm.

"I should... I don't know what to do with him though!" I doubt. The teacher walks in and begins taking rollcall.

"You'll come up with something, I'm sure!" She ends. We then snore through our English lesson.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Bring Bring* Time for lunch! We pack up then head out into the hallway.

"Hey, I've got to go to the bathroom. I'll meet you there!" Katelyn chimes before rushing off. I continue my walk down the hallway. Until I reach an open classroom door. My arm is grasped. I'm pulled in. I spin around against a blur of someone's uniform, I end up against a wall.

"Hey!" Zane chimes. He's leaning against the wall with his arm above my head. I feel myself blush.

"Hi" I chime in response, looking at the ground. He stands there dizzy for a moment. He comes to his senses; he realises the awkwardness then jumps away.

"Ah, sorry! I span a lot more than expecting, I was trying not to fall over!" He admits, looking at the ground with embarrassment.

"Hehe, It's ok!" I giggle.

"A-anyway! I wanted to see you to ask you something..." He begins.

"What's up?" I probe.

"I was wondering if maybe you would want to go to the movies with me on Saturday?" He invites.

"Oh! Yes of course! That sounds like fun! What movie are we going to watch?" I wonder.

"I-I haven't picked one yet..." He looks down and grabs his phone out of his pocket. He waltzes over beside me. "Let's pick, shall we?" He pulls up the website for our cinema, we browse through the movies. We end up deciding on the new action movie.

"I guess I'll see you on Saturday?" I farewell. Turning to the door.

"See you on Saturday (Y/N)!" He farewells. I exit back into the hallway. I head to the cafeteria for lunch. When I get there, everyone is normal. I'm glad to see Aph is doing ok now after everything with Kai. I sit down in my usual spot, I can't help but smile, I'm so excited for Saturday. Katelyn looks at me.

"Someone seems happy!" She whispers into my ear.

"Y-you noticed?" I falter.

"Yeah, It's all over your face! I bet you organised something with Zane already, didn't you?" She hypothesizes.

"How did you know?!?! Are you psychic?" I ask in shock.

"No! It's just I told you to make plans as you left. I wasn't expecting it to be so fast though." She jeers. "Anyway... What are you two going to do?" She inquires.

"Well, we're going to the movies! We're going to see the new action movie!" I inform.

"Ooo! I've heard it's good! I hope you two have fun!" She smiles. I bite into my sandwich, sit back, and listen to everyone's conversation. It's as usual, with everyone trying to avoid anything about love for the meantime, not wanting to upset Aph. I hope she feels better soon.


Hi, sorry I haven't uploaded for a few days, dealing with some writers block. I've also been a little busy but I should get back to posting soon

- Roto L out

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