The noise of dreams and solitude

22 5 4

Dreams plague me day and night,
crushing me under their might
their haunting and hollow noise
takes away all moments to rejoice.

I feel as though I'm walking through time
losing creations that were once mine,
everything has slipped away
and now, even the last memories decay.

Surrounded by desire and destiny
All I feel is melancholy
Lost in these exasperating machinations,
I forcibly follow societal ablutions.

My mind is a vagabond,
lost in pondering of what lies beyond,
consciousness slips away like sand
and I am left alone in a wasteland.

This solitude is perhaps a solace
for I finally am free of my dreams
my creations may have been lost
but that is but a minute price
in the face of possibile avarice
Hello to the select few who shall read this poem, I hope you all were reasonably made to ponder your own destiny and ablutions, while also hopefully being able to glimpse inside the mind of a person who has lost a lot of what they possessed be it worldly objects or the relationships which they had once valued. 
This is a purely imaginative piece about the consequences of dissolution of oneself from their emotions and perhaps their humanity, and also perhaps the cost of utopian solitude.

I ask you to please upvote and share this collection, if you can not do either of those at least comment what you thought about the poem and how I can improve.

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