School Trip Time

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The exams weren't that hard, at least for Isaiah. He got for almost every subject above 90 points except for chemistry but that's okay.

However, it seems like the rest of the E class thought about it differently. Their gloomy faces while looking through the results were hard to miss.

Isaiah doesn't belong in the E class because he is intelligent and has good grades. The only reason he's here is because of his mother's job, so he wasn't surprised with his results, unlike someone else.

'Isaiah, I didn't take you for the intelligent type. I thought the opposite actually.' Karma states after they handed each other their results.

Isaiah blinks at him, confused. 'Why?'

Karma shrugs. 'I dunno your face just has that dumb tint to it. Did you tell your mom to pay the principal or something? It's the only way.' he snickers as Isaiah deadpans his way.

'Har Har, I'm laughing so hard.' Isaiah grumbles, eyes back on Karma's papers making a smile appear on his face. 'Woah, good job, man!' he whispers glancing back at the redhead. 'I bet you worked a lot for it, I'm proud of you.'

Karma's eyes widen before he looks away with a scoff. 'Not really, it was just too easy for me.'

'Then it's even more impressive.' Isaiah holds Karma's paper out for him to take as he grabs his from the male's desk. Karma grabs his paper, Isaiah grinning at the pink tint on the male's cheeks. 'There is no need to be shy, Akabane. I know I'm pretty and such but..-'

He stops talking as soon as Koro Sensei walks into the classroom, clearly more disappointed than the students. 'I take all responsibility.' he says, shamefully facing the chalkboard. 'I seem to have underestimated the system at this school. I can't bear to face you.'

Isaiah turns to look at Karma as soon as he throws an anti-Koro knife at his teacher. He stands up from his seat, and heads towards his desk. 'You sure? If you can't face us, you can't see us coming to kill you.'

Koro Sensei's head turns red from the anger. 'Karma! I'm very depressed right now, and--' Karma drops his test papers down the teacher's desk shutting him up.

'Changing the questions didn't matter to me nor to Isaiah.' the said boy smiles bashfully when having everyone's eyes on him.

Soon enough everyone's by their teacher looking at Karma's and Isaiah's tests which he just dropped on the desk. 'With my grades, you taught more than you had to so I could handle the questions even if they'd changed their scope.'

Karma smiles at his teacher. 'Still, I won't be leaving. Assassination is way more fun than going back to my old class. So what's the plan?'

'You gonna use our not all making it into the top fifty as an excuse to turn tail and run?' he asks, the teasing tone returning to his voice. 'You're just afraid of being killed, that's all.'

Maehara snickers. 'Oh, is that it? You were afraid!'

'You should have just told us!'

'Right? Like, I'm scared and want to run away!'

Isaiah chuckles when Koro Sensei lets out a shriek, his skin turning red. 'I am not running away!'

'Oh? Then what?' Karma asks.

Koro Sensei stops wiggling around and raises a finger. 'We'll get revenge on them twofold in the end-of-term exams!'




'Let's go to that one burger shop today, okay?' Isaiah says happily and Karma simply nods at him. Since Isaiah can't go home without his mother, it has become a habit for the two of them to hang out until Irina is done with her teacher stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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