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Your POV

You walk inside the Ballonlea gym, swerving around two Ralts that were shuffling around, trying to play tag. You giggle slightly before walking up to the lady that guarded the door to the gym. "Hello, I'd like to participate in the gym challenge." You say formally, a phrase that since you've said so many times, you don't even have to think before you say it.

"Actually, gym challenger, there's been a bit of a change. Ever since our other gym leader, Opal, left this gym, Gym Leader Bede hasn't yet come up with a sufficient gym challenge. You'll be taking Leader Bede on immediately when you enter, unfortunately." She bows slightly, her expression showing utmost sympathy and respect.

"No worries, miss. My pokemon are itching to have good battle, so maybe that's for the best." You smile and wave at her. "Alright, just head over yonder and change into your challenger uniform." She points to the room just the right of the entrance.

You emerge from the changing rooms wearing the same white attire, and your number, 'XXX' both on the back of the shirt and on the front of the shorts. "I'm ready." You confirm to the lady, and she moves out of your way, letting you walk through, to the battle with the Fairy Gym Leader.

You held Tarp's pokeball. Your plan was simple, go in with raw DPS, and try not to lose. You were certain your babies could accomplish this, and besides, it might do Bede some good, to have his pride bumped down a notch.

You walk out onto the pitch, noticing Bede was already standing there, food tapping and hand on hip. He looked overly bored, and his overall stance made you scoff. You didn't take that long; he was just too impatience.

"Yet another gym challenger, ready to lose by my hand. At least, try to battle? It might be nice for me." Bede says in his signature prideful voice, a glare situated in your direction. "Whatever. I don't care for your status; I'll still beat you to the ground." You mimic his expression.

The two of you walk at about the same pace to your usual spots on the pitch, turning back to each other, readying your poke balls. You were more than confident that he was all bark no bite, but ah well, anything can happen. Well, you still made a promise to yourself, no matter if you lost or won, you'd still kick him where the sun don't shine after the battle, just to put him in his place.

Bede sent out his level 36 Mawile first up, just as you predicted. Hmph, typical. A voice says in your head, causing you to smirk. As if on instinct, you send out Tarp, letting him out of his pokeball. He stood proudly in front of you, desperate to impress you, like usual.

"Mawile, use fake out!" Bede shouts to his pokemon, and Mawile successfully makes Tarp flinch, causing him to become immobile. He then got Mawile to use bite, which hit Tarp pretty easily. Tarp shook his head, bringing him back down to Earth.

"Pupitar, use Earthquake!" I say to Tarp, to which he responds lightning quick. A loud shake erupts underneath Mawile, and as ground was super effective against steel, Mawile fainted at Bede's feet. You hear him curse under his breath as he quickly takes Mawile back in. He became a little more confident as he sent out his second pokemon.

A level 37 Gardevoir is released from her pokeball, and she stands almost too intimidatingly in front of Tarp, ready to move from her master's command. "Gardevoir, use Moonblast!" He shouts, and she reacts immediately. Tarp, although slow, Moonblast was slower, and therefore meant he could bounce out of the way of the move just in time. He countered with another Earthquake, which was a huge ground-based move that was simply unavoidable. Gardevoir's health was reduced to halfway, causing you to grin slightly.

This time, Bede told her to use Psychic, was a considerably faster move, hitting Tarp perfectly, causing him to faint. You frown slightly, but still applauded Tarp for his amazing efforts. You decide to send out Grace next.

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