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L/n = Last name


Your POV

You ran as fast as you could, your boots hitting the pavement harshly as Nia followed behind you, running quickly, flames licking at her feet. You didn't know where you were running, but you followed your heart, and your gut feeling. There was a huge cave somewhere in Glimwood Tangle, not the one Allister took you to, the one with the waterfall, but you were sure the two of you past a different cave on the way to your date the other day.

You refused to let tears fall, or for your heart to crumple. You'd never lose hope in him, and you certainly wouldn't now, especially when he needed you most. You just hoped you weren't too late.

Nia suddenly let out an anguished howl, causing you to halt on the spot and turn to look at your friend. She was on her knees, clutching her head with her paws. She had a look of pure pain on her face, so you rushed to her side, putting a hand on her arm. The thing is, she was in so much pain, her entire body had heated up as hot as fire.

"Nia, what's wrong? Can you hear me?" You say worriedly, checking her over. The pain seemed to double for her and she couldn't handle it. You could feel her losing her health rapidly. You quickly took her in her poke ball, and your heart told you the pain subsided for her. But you would not send her out of her ball. You were on your own.

Standing up, you continued running to Glimwood Tangle, the path firmly memorised in your head. You leaped over a fallen branch, skirted around a huge tree, vaguely noticed there was no pokemon in sight, and reached the cave entrance you thought you'd find Allister. Suddenly you hear a shriek, and it made your heart twist in pain. The voice belonged to the one and only, Allister.

You bolt into the tunnel, it becoming increasingly dark, but it didn't deter you. Your hair ran wildly behind you, as there was no hair tie in it, as your feet pounded on the dirt path. You felt your boots crunch over many small stones, the gravel making a crunching noise beneath your feet. The tears threatened to fall, stinging your eyes, but the sheer wind that blew past your face from how fast you were running kept your eyes dry.

As the tunnel ended, you found yourself standing in a small room. Well, hollowed out cave actually. None of it was man made, of course. But the only thing that stood out to you was three huge pokemon standing next to a few men and one lady, and they had a small hostage, all tied up, in front of them.

The hostage screamed your name upon when they saw you, which caused the people and pokemon alike to turn around to face you. Allister's quavering voice hit your ears faster than lightning, and on instinct you ran towards him, but the two guys grabbed your arms savagely, almost making you trip. The lady sauntered over to you.

"Well, look what we have here... the dear old princess has come to rescue her knight in shining armour. Cliché." She jokes, cackling to herself and to the others. The guys, giving huge vibes of being some sort of guard, tighten their grips on my arm, and the three pokemon, Simisage, Simisear, and Simipour all marched their asses over to stand next to the lady, as if protecting her from any sort of harm. But something struck you odd about those three pokemon...

"Lea, Lani, Loki... it can't be!" Realisation dawns on you, as you remember their names. Or at least, the names that you had given them. They were Kalos pokemon, and the pokemon that had given their lives to protect your family, or more rather your parents.

Growing up in Kalos, you had befriended the three, and named Simisage; Lea, Simisear; Lani, and Simipour; Loki. Other than Nia, Phoebe, and Grace, those three could have been considered your other best friends. And now by the looks of it, they had turned their backs to you. But why..? Why were they here?

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