Part 11

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When Brooklyn awoke the next night, he saw that he was in the city of Orlando on that high rise building. He saw he had the backpack near his feet. He would plan to travel a little bit before he would get the food out to eat, but he instantly wanted a drink of water. He got one out and quenched the thirst he had.

From inside him, Brooklyn also felt some movement from the twins too. "Waking up too, little guys?" he chuckled, giving his stomach a rub. He wondered how they fared with the stone turning inside him. It must just melt off of them in the liquid.

Brooklyn wished he knew what genders he was carrying. But then, he wanted to know more about pregnancy again. He went to try to find a local baby store. He knew he didn't need any baby supplies yet, but he wanted a pregnancy book. He already knew that one of the twins had a heart issue and was concerned about it. Why it had the issue, he didn't know.

He eventually found a baby store in the milder parts of the town. He broke in through the roof. It was closed for the night. With his night vision, he was able to look for the books. He found some pregnancy books. He picked one that had all the stages of pregnancy. He also looked for health conditions in it and it had some in it. He would take it. He wished he had money to trade but he didn't. He also swiped some jars of baby food too because he was having some cravings. He also couldn't help but grab a little duck and dog for the babies. But it wasn't long before he was hearing sirens coming and he knew he had to get out of here in case it was about him. He quickly got back to the roof and left the building.

At least now, Brooklyn could have something to read if he was bored while sitting out. He had the jars of baby food and book in his backpack. He had to wear it on his front. It wouldn't bother the babies at all. It was all lightweight.

But soon, Brooklyn came across another high rise building and he landed to sit down to eat. "Now we'll eat some breakfast, kids." He said. He felt some movement from the twins again. "I get it that you're likely hungry." He took the pack off and gave his swollen belly a rub.

He opened a jar of bananas first and dipped his talon into the jar and tasted it. It tasted sweet on his tongue. But then, his taste buds had changed quite a bit. "Hmm, this sure is good. No wonder I was craving it." He took to finishing it, then took out some bread, apples and oranges. He also ate some carrots and celery. He had a menagerie to choose from. He also had a jar of baby food turkey.

But he didn't want to finish the food all in one night. He had to reserve his rations. He at least wanted to eat enough to give himself and the twins some energy. He himself needed the energy to have the need to travel. But Orlando was an impressive city to want to stay in and have some fun. But Brooklyn knew that he needed to get serious and get home.

Despite how Orlando was an impressive and beautiful city to visit, Brooklyn knew he wanted to get home before Christmas. He seriously didn't know how long he had before the twins would be ready to be born. If he had been female, he would have had an egg, and it would be ready to lay soon. And Brooklyn knew that he wanted to make it home before the twins reached that point.

He promised himself and his kids that he would travel every night as much as he could and would eat before setting off for the energy needs. He would replenish his supplies as needed, but not until they were needed to be replenished. He put everything away or threw it away in a dumpster behind the building and he took to the air again to head northward. He headed east too. He wanted to know he was going to be following the seacoast too.

He flew over the many sights of Orlando and eventually found the edge of the city. Then he turned northward. After gliding for a while, he found Daytona Beach. It was so beautiful. If only it could be seen in the daytime.

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