9 : lovely drunk moment

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Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on a bench , cold wind was blowing water waved were rising in the sea .
Jungkook snatched the bottle of bear from taehyung as he already drank two of them .

" Enough tae ." Jungkook said to a little baby taehyung who was trying to grab the bottle back but end up fall on Jungkook who took him in his lap . Both were staring in each other eyes .
Taehyung cupped Jungkook's cheeks .

" J-jungkookookie !! " Taehyung cooed  smiling showing his box shaped smile .

" Let's go home hm ? " Jungkook said taking taehyung's hand in his hands .

" I wanna stay with you Jungkookookie !! " Taehyung hugged Jungkook resting his chin on the other's shoulder .

" I'll go too ok ? " Jungkook said and taehyung nodded .
Jungkook was going to take him from his lap when taehyung shooked his head cupping his cheeks again .

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's pouting mouth he giggled and attached his mouth with him not doing any movement, Jungkook can't do too as his mouth was cupped by taehyung.
Taehyung then sucked his mouth entering his tongue inside .
Taehyung sucked his tongue like a lollipop .
Jungkook could easily feel the taste of alcohol in his mouth but he didn't mine he was enjoying Jungkook squeezed taehyung's ass making him moan in his mouth .

This moan made Jungkook hard but he beared it and got up with taehyung still kissing him . Finally taehyung parted when he was feeling need of oxygen so bad .


Jungkook opened the door for taehyung who came out of the car following Jungkook like a lost puppy he was feeling too dizzy but manged to walk until his eyes were getting blurry as alcohol was working on him he was going to fell down when Jungkook tightly gripped on taehyung's waist .

" You drink too much didn't you ? " Jungkook said holding him , taehyung didn't reply as his eyes were shut seems like he was sleeping.

Jungkook didn't has any choice, he picked up taehyung in bridal style walking in the building he pressed the button and entered when the lift arrived .
He glanced at taehyung " cute " and pecked his lips .

After reaching to the floor where's his apartment, they were standing outside the door .
Jungkook opened the door walked in locking the door .
He placed taehyung slowly on the couch who opened his eyes , his eyes were red .

" J-jungkook stay please. " Taehyung begged holding Jungkook sleeve end .
Jungkook nodded hummed and sat at the side of his legs . Taehyung got up , removed his shoes and hugged his legs on couch .

" What happened sweet heart? " Jungkook sweetly asked placing his hand on his shoulder .
Taehyung smiled , he love how Jungkook care for him when he is his boss and nothing else . Their love interactions were from long time .

" Y-you are so perfect Jungkook.... I know your boyfriend or girlfriend will be the luckiest in the whole universe." Taehyung chuckled sadly .
Jungkook blushed at this.

" Baby , you mean yourself? " Jungkook thought.

" H-he cheated on m-me . " Taehyung started sobbing, Jungkook immediately held him in his arms, taehyung was still hugging his legs .

" It's okay . " Jungkook said patting his back .

" N-no, nothing is okay . He was m-my first love , I loved him with my whole heart . He w-was my crush since highschool even now he's my crush .... But he never felt the same ? ... I know everyone doesn't feels the same but that doesn't mean you'll hurt someone's feelings like this. " Taehyung cried out .

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