Sophomore year (Part 3)

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(Hey Everyone! WOW its been a longgg time. Sorry i haven't updated in forever ( 2 years) I literally just came back on here today and saw a bunch of comments saying that you guys wanted an update and i cant believe that i waited this long to check on this story. I hope some of you are still here and will read this but if not ill just update it anyway....Im hoping to edit this every week for the next little while, while i'm on break and then ill be able to finish the story and maybe start something new! So here it goes... i haven't written in a while so hopefully its good!)

Kates (POV)

The bell range signaling that lunch was over. Both Scott and I didn't move, neither of us knowing what to say. The tears had slowed down and were now just single droplets. I became impatient with the silence and decided to break it. 

"Well scott? Whats going on? If you know something then tell me! Its not fair for me to just be left out of this, when I could be losing what I thought was one of my best friends for no reason!"

"look Kate, I only know what Stiles has told me, and I don't know why he would have said what he did to you. We both love you and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you. Stiles has been going through a lot lately with his family, mainly his dad. Its the anniversary of his mums death and he's just not handling it well thats all. Maybe you should just give him another chance, thats really all i can say..."

"shit...I completely forgot about that...ugh..i feel so selfish now. Here i've been making this all about me when its not at all and i should have been thinking about what he's dealing with as well! and thank's Scott for telling me, i cant risk losing you guys. You're all i have here, and really the only reason i'm staying!"

There was a moment of silence between us for awhile. Not that awkward silence where you dont know what to say, just enjoying the company of one another. Then that was broken by an interesting question...

" So you and that Tyler guy huh?"

"what? no..i mean..yeah..but how do you know?

"The whole school knows, the minute you said yes to going out with him he told everyone! You didnt know? Shit sorry i though you did! I mean i dont want to ruin anything but it seems to me that if i guy really needs to show off that he asked someone out on a date then he's not worth your time...."

"I guess... but i mean im just going to give him a shot and see....i've been kind of A wall from the whole dating pool for a while so its time to get back."

"Just be careful ok Kate? I cant risk having anything happening to you, you're like my sister and i will beat the shit out of anyone that tries to mess with you got it?"

" haha ok thanks Scott, ill keep that in mind"

The final bell rings for the day with neither Scott or I realizing we completely skipped last period. Math isn't really worth our time and energy anyways though..

5:00 PM

After a long day of worrying about my friendship with Stiles and a long overdue conversation with Scott I finally felt at peace. Not only now do I know that Stiles wasn't just there for me because of Scott but that both of my best friends will always be there for me....but then it dawned on me that maybe Scott was right...maybe Tyler really isn't the best guy for me....but the other part of me really needed to go on date and just get back into the dating mode...have a little adventure and excitement! 

I laid on my bed for a bit, feeling the exhaustion hit my body limb by limb. Slowly but surely I drifted into a long awaited sleep only to be met with another terrifying dream of wolves. This time I watch as one attacked an innocent human, or what seemed to be one. 

I shook awake from the sound of my alarm pounding in my head...Great another dreadful day of school. I walked down stairs to grab breakfast ( or lack of one) from the nauseating feeling in my stomach.  The dream I had last night just seemed so REAl like I was right there watching it happen, but I couldnt have. I mean i know that I had the thing with Scott all mapped out but, what can this mean that there is more? Scott didn't think that there was and if there are then we could be in serious trouble......

Authors Note:  Hey everyone! So...sorry this has taken so long to update and i hope that this wasn't too bad. I had to reread everything to make sure what i added on made sense and hopefully it does...Im having some serious writing block right now and it would be really helpful if you guys could make some suggestions of what you want to happen in the story! ALSO i need some more characters so if you guys want to be in the story then you can leave your name and what you vaguely look like in the commments and ill choose one of you guys for the next chapter!!! 

ps: thank you guys so much for almost getting me to 3K reads! i havent even updated for 2 years and thats how far you guys have gotten me. I love each and every one of you guys xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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