sophomore year (part 2)

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It had been a few days since I had talked to Tyler and there still seemed to be tension between me and Stiles. I just couldn't figure out why he flipped out about me talking to tyler! Its not like he can tell me who im allowed to talk to just because he's my best friend, I can make my own descisions and he needs to know that. As I drove up to the school I tride to find a parking spot as quick as possible so I could go find stiles. 

I got out of my car and power walked to where Stiles always meets me and to my surprise he wasn't there. "Thats odd," I thought to myself he's always there no matter what. So I dedcided to text him. 

"Where are you? We need to talk! Meet me out front k?"

I tried to sound as calm as possible but as I saw him walk out of the school i bcame more nervous and my hands started to shake. Why was I so nervous? It's just Stiles, but then I thought its STILES the guy i've been in love with for 3 years. As he drew nearer I could feel the tension, it was like a wall seperating us. 

"What did you want to talk about?" He said harshly.

"' oh no my stuttering was coming back.


"I just wanted to um....ask you why've been avoiding me for the last couple of days?"

"You want to know why? ok fine! I dont like the idea of you seeing Tyler ok? He isn't a good guy and he doesn't deserve you!"

"How could you say that? You barely even know Tyler so how can you say that he doesn't deserve me? huh? Cause if he doesn't deserve me than you don't deserve me as a bestfriend!"

"Good cause I never was your best friend. I was just there cause of Scott."

That stung, a lot and he could tell. By know the tears were pouring out of my eyes and all I wanted to do was go home and forget about everyone and everything. 

"Kate I....I didnt mean that im sorry i just...."

"You just what Stiles? You meant what you said because if you didnt you wouldn't have said it in the first place ok? If you never wanted to be friends with me than why were you so upset about Tyler than? Why did you even care that I talked to him huh? Just tell me one thing Stiles. Why after all these years are you just telling me this now?" 

"I...I dont know...I just"

"you know what never mind I dont need to be talking to a guy who just pretends to be friends with people who he actually doesn't like. Have a good life Stiles. Oh and tell Scott that I'm sorry i never said good bye to him and that Ill try and visit him soon. 

I stil had tears streaming down my face as I pushed past him and walked into the school to go to homeroom. 


you have got to be kidding me! I can't deal with Tyler right now! What do I say to him? I dont want to sound rude and just blow him off!  I turned around and gave him the best fake smile that I could so that he wouldn't ask me why my mascara had run down my face. 

" Hey tyler whats up? Im kind of late to homeroom so i gotta go but Ill talk to you at break ok?"

"yeah no worries ill talk to you later!"

I waved him goodbye and ran to homeroom hoping no one will stop me along the way. No one being Stiles or Scott. 

Hey guys sorry its been soooo long since i've updated i've been so caught up in moving and homework and all of this other stuff that i haven't had time to update! I hope you guys like it so far and comment if you have any requestes on what you want to happen next! thank you all for voting and reading ! lav you guys xoxoxo

Homeroom took forever to end. All I could keep thinking about is how much I regret saying what I did to Stiles. I should have asked him why he didn't want to be friends instead of just yelling at him. why do i always do this to myself? I always find myself in drama that I don't want to be apart of and end up hurting people whom I love so much. 

I lifted my head off of my desk when I heard the bell ring started first period and headed off to chemistry. already regretting coming to school today. I would have to sit through 80 minutes of being in the same class as Scott and Stiles. I walked to my normal seat, my palms starting to sweat worried about Stiles saying something to me. I quickly took a seat and gave an apologitec look towards Scott apologizing for not finding him this morning. 

The day seemed to go relatively quickly till lunch came and I couldn't decide wether I should just sit outside by myself or go find Scott and tell him what happened. I decided to go with what made more sense which was to find Scott and explain to him everything that happened this morning before Stiles had the chance to.

I almost immediately found and ran up to him.


"Hey! Are you ok? I couldn't find you or Stiles this morning! did something happen?"

"Um actually that's what I need to talk to you about. Can we go outside?"

" Yeah sure let me just get my lunch k? Are you sure you're ok you look really pale!"

"Yeah I just really need to talk to you!"

My heart was pounding in my chest and I started to feel light headed. This whole fight was making me feel like someone had gone into my body and ripped my heart out. Hearing those words come out of Stiles' mouth made me want to just break down and cry. The guy that I've been in love with for since I can remember wants nothing to do with me.

Once we got to our usual picnic table outside i immediately had to spill everything out to Scott.

"Ok Scott before you say anything I just need you to listen to me and then you can say whatever you want ok?"

"Ok i wont say a word just tell me what happened!!"

I took a deep breath in before I continued,

"Ok well this morning I was going to find Stiles because for some reason he got really pissed at me when I started to talk to Tyler again so I just wanted to make sure everything was ok. So when I found him this morning he just started to yell at me and say that Tyler is a bad guy and that I shouldn't talk to him and said that I can't be friends with him. And I was just confused because how does Stiles know I mean he never talks to him and I've known Tyler for years and he's always been an amazing friend to me. So we just kept yelling at eachother for a couple more minutes until Stiles just finally said that we were never friends and that he was just there because you were my best friend."

By now theres tears streaming down my face and I'm starting to hypervetelate and Scott is in shock, like her couldn't believe what I was telling him. I sat there for an uncomfortable few minutes waiting for scott to say something but he didn't budge. Maybe he was trying to say that was Stiles told me was true and that we never really were friends, and that the love of my life will never feel the same way. 

AHHHHHH I haven't written in forever and I'm so sorry I took this long to edit! I hope I can update again this week and get a new chapter up! Thank you guys so much for getting me to 1K reads!!! I love every single one of you guys that reads you guys mean so much to me! Also if you have any suggestions for the next part or you have a request for what you want to happen next just comment bellow and I'll be sure to put it in! xxxx

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