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Her heart was beating in her chest as she drove her blood red ferrari through the lavish and expensive streets of Monaco, knowing her way though the city. The roar of her car was her only comfort for a moment. It was soon when she reached the grand gates of the Leclerc Mansion, the gates opened for her as she drove in, she kept her cocky look on even though she was screaming inside. Her car slowly came to a halt as she got out of the car. She was dressed elegantly in a black lace top, black formal pants and a black blazer to top it off, her nails painted in deep blood red and so were her lips and heels while her hair was in a loose bun.

As she walked to the main doors, she saw two soldiers standing there as she begun to speak "I'm-" she was cut off as soon as she began "we know who you are, ma'am, please go inside, welcome to the Leclerc Mansion, Mister Leclerc will be waiting for you in his study" the soldier said, she raised her brows and smirk as she saw him swallow a breath, he was scared, and she fucking loved it. She walking in, knowing her war around this place, filled with both good and bad memories as she reached his study.

She remembered the times she had walked these halls beside Charles, the moments of shared passion and whispered secrets. But those days were long gone, replaced by the cold reality of their new arrangement, her heels clicking against the marble floor. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the encounter ahead.

Charles awaited her in his study, a room that held both fond and painful memories. As Nyx entered, she found him standing by the large window, gazing out at the estate grounds. He turned at the sound of her approach, his expression a mixture of anticipation and something deeper, something more primal. "Nyx," he greeted, his voice smooth and measured. "I'm glad you came." She nodded, her gaze steady as she approached the desk where the contract lay waiting. "Let's get this over with," she said, her tone businesslike.

Charles's lips curved into a slight smile as he moved to stand beside her. "Always so eager to get down to business," he murmured, a hint of amusement in his voice. Nyx rolled her eyes and ignored the comment, focusing on the document before her. She scanned the contents, her keen eyes absorbing every detail. The terms were clear: she would lead his team of assassins, with complete autonomy in their operations. It was everything she had demanded, everything she needed to ensure her independence.

Satisfied, she picked up the pen and signed her name with a flourish, the ink drying quickly on the crisp paper. As she set the pen down, Charles stepped closer, his presence once again overwhelming.

"It's official," he said softly, his eyes locked onto hers. "Welcome back, Nyx."

She took a step back, putting some distance between them. "This doesn't change anything," she said, her voice firm. "I'm here to lead your team, nothing more." Charles's gaze darkened, a flicker of something dangerous in his eyes. "We'll see," he replied, his tone enigmatic. Nyx turned to leave, her heart pounding in her chest. But as she reached the door, she paused, glancing back at him. "Don't forget our agreement, Charles," she warned. "I'm not here to be controlled."

He smiled, a slow, predatory smile that sent a shiver down her spine. "I wouldn't dream of it," he said, his voice a silken promise.

She rolled her eyes at his words. "A drink?" he asked simply, his brows raised, "fine" she whispered. "Follow me then" he demanded and he walked to his bar near the hallway, she followed, her clicking heels echoing due to the marbe floor. As they reached his bar, he poured both of them some champagne and offered her the glass, she took it. "to new beginnings" he said as he lifted his glass for a toast, she rolled her eyes as he clinked her glass with his "to new beginnings" she whispered as they both took the first sip.

"You know what this means, don't you?" Charles said, breaking the silence. "This contract marks the beginning of a new chapter for both of us." Nyx's eyes flicked up to meet his, her expression unreadable. "I know exactly what it means," she replied coolly. "And I haven't forgotten the terms." Charles leaned back in his chair, his gaze never leaving hers. "Good. Because I intend to hold you to every word." She glared into his eyes before speaking "and I mean it, charles, one wrong move from you and this alliance is over." He chuckled at her words "I know very well, mon Cher, I wont interfere" He said but couldn't stop the chuckle escaping his lips, and she rolled her eyes again.

Suddenly, she heard a bark echoing in the hall as a dog, a german shepherd to be precise ran towards them. Her eyes widened and softened, Mimi. She crouched down to pet the large baby and Mimi seemed to love her already, "Is this Mimi?" She asked Charles to confirm her thoughts. "Yes, she's Mimi, she's grown up quite a bit" he replied simply, but his eyes adorded this sight, the woman he hated, whom he also loved once with the dog that had found a sweet spot within him. He remembered how they had gotten this female german shepherd when it was a little puppy. Nyx, Charles and Mimi would cuddle together for hours, but it didn't last long as they split just a few days after adopting Mimi.

"You kept her?" Nyx asked, slightly surprised as Mimi clinged to her. "Of course I did, what the fuck did you want me to do? throw her away? sorry but im not as ill hearted as you" he said sarcastically just to watch her pissed off face. "Oh shut up" she scoffed as she played with Mimi. She couldn't help but think about the time when they adopted Mimi, god she was just a little puppy. She couldn't help but think about how Charles, her and Mimi would cuddle non stop.

She had to stop, she regained her composure as she let go of Mimi even though her heart protested to, but she had stopped listning to her heart long time ago. "Show me my chambers, Charles" she orderd. He smirked at her as he said "ordering me now, are we?" he teased. "shut the fuck up" she groaned. "Alright alright fine, come on, I'll show you your chambers, follow me" he said as he walked upstairs and she followed. He led her to a familiar room, oh god. "This will be yours room, love, Its the same one that you had back then, thought a bit of familiarity would help" he smirked. "fuck you, really" she scoffed as she walked into the bit too familiar room. "you already have" he chuckled and she glared at him, irritated.

This might just be the best wrong decision she had made in a while.


how tf am i so consistant rn dijwfij but anyways ENJOYYY

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