chapter one

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Kathleen had had the same routine for years.
She'd wake up at exactly 6:02 everyday, with or without an alarm, go to the bathroom, shower, brush her teeth, make something small to eat as she wasn't much of a breakfast person, change her clothes, sometimes do a bit of makeup, pack her bags and then head to work.
That's exactly what she did today. Everyday was the same. She mostly wanted it to be.
So she did. She got up at exactly 6:02, showered, went to brush her teeth, she ate a bit of fruit, changed into her clothes (this time a lovely off-white blouse, dark brown pencil skirt with deep pockets, and small brown heels), she powdered her face and put on a lovely dark auburn lip colour, then made sure that her bags contents were in order, and headed through the door, locking it as she exited.
She didn't own a car, but hated public transport with all the men who would catcall any woman they saw, so she would walk. She preferred it that way. She memorized her path from walking the direction so often, and also other routes she could take. She decided on the longer one today, not knowing why other than deciding she had enough time to go the longer way.
The longer path followed through the Puerto Ricans marketplace, from which she often bought spices and such. She even learned a bit of Spanish, to be civil with the Puerto Ricans. Civility was unexpected from both sides considering her incredibly pale skin, blonde hair, and light eyes. The only thing that kept her able to go into their area of the city was her persistence to treat everyone with equality.
Unfortunately some/most people weren't like her.
Like the Jets.
She'd had a few run-ins with them, nothing more major than making eye contact with the leaders.
The Jets were the most known gang in the west side of Manhattan, everyone knew to steer clear of them.
Kathleen wasn't so lucky today.
"Ay girly girl where'd you think you're goin'?" one of the Jets asked menacingly.
Kathleen didn't stop walking.
"I'm just headed to work, thank you."
there were oohs from the Jets,
"ooh a workin' girl!" She heard.
A few stepped in front of her. She tried to keep her eyes darted towards the concrete but ultimately stared up at the boys in front of her.
"Please, let me pass." She asked, more annoyed than desperate.
"Hmm.. Action, you think we should let her go?"
Action, the boy on his left, answered after a beat, "yeah I'd say so."
The other boy looked at him confused, and honestly Kathleen was too.
"That- no, okay, here's what's gonna hap-"
"What are you boys doin'?" a higher voice asked.
"Oh, uh, nothin' Riff we was just about to get outta here-"
"yeah, okay Ice, hold on just a sec" Riff continued,
"was my boys botherin' you, pretty girl?"
Kathleen looked at the two boys behind Riff innocently.
"No. If you'll excuse me I'm going to be late for work." She didn't have time for this.
"Where d'you work?" The lanky boy asked; Kathleen replied,
"Fitzgerald High, why?"
"I'll walk ya." he said, "Jets, go. We ain't doin' anything today, so go to the zoo or somethin'."
The boys left hastily, not wanting to get into anymore trouble.
"You really don't have to walk me, I know the way."
"A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to walk alone, something worse than those boys might happen to you." He countered.
"I guess, but it really isn't any fuss." She said slightly agitated.
"Lead the way doll." Riff persisted, putting out his arm for Kathleen to take.
"I- you really aren't letting me out of this, huh? Alright then." She mumbled, grabbing on to his arm.
She knew this was not part of her routine.
She was ecstatic.


hello! i'm haven, thanks for reading this, i hope you enjoy it! i'm aware that this chapter is quite short, but they will vary in length (eventually), and i'll be glad to take any suggestions or changes! also, please let me know of any typos, as they really irritate me!

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