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It was dark.... I was in dark... And my head was also hurting I remember confessing to rysha what I was doing.. Ofc I used her I broke her trust... Her heart and soul.. But seriously I didn't fucking gave shit.. I was choking her with the pillow when the door barged open and the plan wrecker was in front of me.. My friend Clyde... Her shitty phone rang distracting I now understood... The of ' enemy ' means Clyde... I was regretting not cutting that damn phone... " What the fuck... Kevin.. You are killing her " He said and puched me hard... Fortunately that little bitch was already unconscious... " Oh Clyde I know she mocks you as well for being always second and flaunts herself in front of you... Doesn't she gets on your nerves?.. Let's kill this little piece of shit.. " I said getting up and grabbing her throat again..

Rysha singhania... First in all tests and exams and practicals... Clyde Smith second in everything and Kevin Sven third in everything.. I hated that position even though I worked harder tried harder and more harder the more she was getting on my nerves for her good grades... Though she was good looking... Hot and all but she was a little too successful of herself as a woman... I hated her for that she was great and successful.. And me? I was working under her control? Even though it was best hospital but still I was working under the woman who was younger than me already successful than me? My ego.. My insides burned I hated how she got everyone's attention.... She was always star of every award ceremony held to felicitate doctors... All men drool over her.. But she had eyes only for me and I took advantage of it  after she was out of picture I will be handling Canada's best hospital... Proud right?...

" You shitty hell " The voice echoed my room and another punch, then another and other and it was dark... Darkness consumed me not that I hated it .....

I heard the door opening and " Sir is coming better not try any shitty of your tactics otherwise... " Someone said when another voice yelled " How dare you you lay your filthy hands on her? How dare you touch your filthy lips on her? How dare you touched a single part of her body... How the fuck you dared to touch what is mine? ".... Yeah as expected.. It's Clyde Smith... " Yours? "  I asked laughing menacingly.. " You didn't even dare to confess you coward " I yell with same ferocity... His hands unblinded my eyes and there was no darkness I was in room which looked as secret room... Of course I was in his house.. Two muscled men which looked as bodyguards were at the entrance and he was standing in front of me his eyes full of anger his muscles tensed as he was about to rip and pound on me... But I was not afraid... Because I know he will do nothing.... I know how he is and how Rysha is she will be wanting me for the damn answers and I will be safe again...

" Shut the fuck up.. Kevin... She was mine the second she entered gates of our university... And always be mine... " He growled like any hungry tiger... " But.. I took what was yours way before... She was really great in bed I tasted her really good.. You shoul -----" He grabbed my throat pointing gun on it.. How the fuck he got it? "Dare to complete... You motherfucker bastard " He says looking in my eyes with anger bursting each second rising it little....

I always knew he liked Rysha.. I never mind it because anyway she is nothing to me other than a toy in my plan...
And hated her so much that if she were here I would literally would've strangled ger to death and watch her plead like a little slut she was and will be..
" Hey are you blind in your shitty love that you are second even though you are older than her.... Don't you have your own atti----"  " No I don't have my own attitude and she is first because of her own efforets and plans and hardwork not like drugging people she thought were threats.... I will love to kill you a sweet long and great death... " He said removing gun from my throat...
Is he a psycho he was going to kill a human only for that little slut? Who was he? How did he had gun? Is he involved in any illegal marketing or a murderer but how does a human in white coat save lives and destroy it also?

" Who are you other than doctor? Are you criminal or
what,.... " I said in firm but and low voice... The gunshot was heard it was a real one and not a bluff..
" What the fuck Clyde are you going to do murder just for sake of revenge for her... You know you can be arrested in the crim--"  " I will murder every person who will  cross their limits just to hurt or destroy her... And if its crime.. Then I will be a criminal just to ensure her well being... "

He growled in furious manner...
" Don't blindfold yourself and love her... She is very hard to love... Or does not deserve it... Even her own father hates her.. " I said when he grabbed me by collar rashly and threw me in corner of room... " Exit the room and lock the doors from outside and do not allow anyone here... " He yelled and the two man obeyed.. " You sure have power... I wonder how? " I ask with a smirk on my face " Your end.... Kevin.. Just you wait just one tear of her and your life will become hell... " He said sitting on a nearby chair..

" And she will never cry in front you so.. I guess am immortal then.. " I said laughing when he chuckles fill the room.. " She will never cry in front of me.. But i will make sure you die a hurtful, painful and shitty death... " He said " And how in the world are you going to do that? " I asked while seeing if there was any escape...

" Let's see, let's plan your death.. Which month is going on now? " He asked

clasping his hands together on his knees and leaning forward..
" Umm December.. But why? " I asked obviously he didn't need a month to kill me..

" 7 months to go.. First you will starve...

Second you will be drugged with fetanyl daily..

Third you will have marks all over your body..

Fourth.. Your hands will be disabled....

Fifth. You are cardiologist right?... You will beg for me to end your life as soon as possible...

Sixth you will be meeting death everyday but you will not die it will come near and will go away in front of your eyes as you beg your heart out..

Seventh you will die 3.30 pm on 4 july.... "

He said laughing and leaving me disheveled..

4 july was the only date roaming in my mind..

It was familiar.. It was... It is Rysha's birthday...

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