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All of me was aching... Craving for just care I don't deserve....
I seriously am a bad luck in everyone's life as my mother's husband says... But I had a hospital to run and post as a doctor to handle..... I was not mad at Clyde actually but I was hurt and I was not thinking straight I didn't even thank him for that.. At that time I was only thinking about death.. But when he was caressing my hair...  I Felt emotions overwhelming my mind.. Now Iam convincing myself that no emotions.. No mess.. From now on I will focus on my career and post as a doctor.. When Lucy entered " Ma'am do you know where dr. Kevin is? " She asked... And here it goes.. Kevin.. I seriously wonder where he is I want to teach him a fucking lesson what in the hell this successful woman can become if ever her self respect is hurted.. I want to show him that I'm used to this kind of betrayal shit and am not crying over him.. He just wants satisfaction from me begging him for my life.. Or his ego is hurt.. I fucking don't give a shit.. I am a strong, brave, independent and hardworking woman...

I swoop out my phone and search..
' what will happen if we intake fentanyl drugs on a daily basis? ' I searched for shaking anxiously...
' it maybe dangerous to you body system and you may also die.. ' it said.. When my door knocked...

It Clyde... Why is he here again someone is also there with him.

" Good morning dr. Rysha I am really honoured to help you out man in casual wear leaned forward for a handshake..
I didn't knew what to do anxiety washed my senses I started feeling uneasy a t stretched hand of his.. I was breathing heavily.. I didn't know what the fuck is happening but it is am very short of breathe " Pls sit down dr. " Clyde said they were both seated..

" Who is this gentlemen? " I asked taking a quick sip of my water... " He is a psychatrist as you have been in taking fetanyl by mistake.. He will guide you " I was shaken... I was not sure what to say I choked on my water when the pair of firm arms grabbed me... And pair of brown eyes were looking at me with full of concern it them.. And the hands were comforting me I froze to touch... It was Clyde.. He was doing it.. Why Clyde was not with Kevin.. Why he saved me.. I always flaunted myself infront him.. Then why?..

I was mad at him for bringing anyone without my permission...
" Come outside for a minute Dr. Clyde.. Will you " I said with an amazing smile..
I was already outside when he came" What happened? " He asked like he didn't bring a psychiatrist without telling me and doesn't know the question I am going to ask..

" What the fuck Clyde who the heck told you to do so.. I am ok I said earlier.. Will you mind your own fucking business.." I said. " You were drugged with fetanyl.. Your life can be in danger you can also d----" "Die" I interrupted him while he was speaking.. " I am not afraid of death... Let it come I don't care. " I said with a firm voice ..

" But I do.. " He yelled... " Pardon? " I asked with shock.. Like why my death  consumes him.. Why is he angry at me for bringing the topic of my death..
" Shut up your questions and come inside it's for your own fucking good... " He said and dragged me inside and I was reluctantly seated...

" From how many months is this going on....? "the doctor asks " 2 to 3 months.. " Clyde and I answered at the same time..
It continued for 45 minutes and the doctor was gone..
" Where is Kevin.. " I asked Clyde angrily..
" He is alive " He said with no expressions ..
" I want him here now.. " I said when Clyde looked at me shocked " Why the fuck do you care Rysha.. I said he is alive " I was shocked by the statement je is alive but where is he? Why is Clyde answering like that is he having Kevin with him?..

" I want him for the fucking answer and clarifications and to tell him the news... "
" Which news? "he asked

" That I am going to suspend him and he cannot be taken in any hospital as he is suspended from the best hospital of Canada's " I said.. While sitting on my chair and opening my laptop to work
" Why were you staying at Kevin's? " He asked sitting across from me
" And do you think I will tell you? " I said, still engrossed in my laptop..
" And do you think I will let it go... And not know the answer? "He asked with an annoying smirk on his face

" Yes" I said not not interested
" Ok then I will have to dig up and search why Rysha was staying with her ---"
" You sure know how the fuck to take out information " I said in frustrated tone nad he grinned satisfied..
" You remember you saved the person whose ribcagd was damaged? He is my mother's husband.. Andthey are staying at my place.. I can't stand that shitty man and hence I was living with Kevin.. " I said reluctantly

" Now it's been a day to that accident where are you staying " He asks..
" None of your fucking business " I said when lucy entered..

"Mam you said you needd s private ward.. It's ready " She said when I nodded she exited..

" You are staying at my place.. " He says
" No way you are asking that---"
" I will not take no as an answer you heard doctor saying you need to be watched and you are staying at mine .... That final decision " He said and left...

Here was I...

How did my life become heaven to hell in just two days...

One second the love was great and another it became my haunted nightmare....
It became the reason I don't like to sleep...

It became the reason I don't even trust myself with myself...

It became a reason that deserves not to be taken care of...

How idiot I was to really believe that someone will really love when my own father hated me... When my own family hated me.. How can I even imagine to be loved when I don't deserve it?

HEYY, ENEMY...... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora