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.•8:30.a.m. next day•. April 3rd.•

The early risers chattering, morning sun beams peeking amid the clouds, birds about their morning rituals, a gentle cool breeze, golden light everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations, full of beauty and magic, filled with the promise of a new beginning.

Conventionally Taehyung parted his eye's, he sat on the bed while streching his arm's and glance toward the alarm clock, a pleasant grin appeared on his lips for waking up at his diurnal time.

He raised from the mattress and stroll toward the window, rolling the curtains, permitting the golden rays of sunbeam to embrace his body, and smooch his face, Taehyung shut his eyes and placed his palm over the window reeling, breathing in sanctioning the grooving zypher to caress his messy hair.

He back away feeling soft fur of Aviv, he smiled and pick him in his embrace, nuzzling his face on his tummy he opined in his muffled voice.

Taehyung: oh my Tani, did you miss dada, sorry I was impotent to play with you, but now I am free.! Yeahhh

Aviv struggle in his embrace to slip away from him, successfully he glid down and ran out of the room, making Taehyung to pout, as he shook his head and enter the lavatory to do his morning routine.

After thirty minutes he exit the bathroom and while wrapping a towel around his waist, a frown appears on his brows pointing a black shirt and pant was placed on the mattress.

As he remembered he didn't decided any dress before showering, he stroll closer to the mattress while roaming his eye's on each corner of his bedroom, yet he couldn't spot anyone, he shrugged his shoulders off musing it might be Yuna.

As he dressed quitely, excited to see his Yoongi Hyung, as he glance himself through the mirror, pushing his slightly wet hair back, letting them fall on his forehead, he smiled and mumbled, winking at himself.

Taehyung: kim Taehyung, be less handsome though, you can't break anyone's heart.!

He chuckled and shook his head, grabbing his mobile he exit the room, and stroll downstairs, Taehyung reach the hallway and grimace hearing unfamiliar voices of people's chortles, he blink in puzzlement spotting Yuna and Edna was sitting on the co...

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He chuckled and shook his head, grabbing his mobile he exit the room, and stroll downstairs, Taehyung reach the hallway and grimace hearing unfamiliar voices of people's chortles, he blink in puzzlement spotting Yuna and Edna was sitting on the couch along with two unknown people.

A man on his fifteens and women on her fourteens, yet the classiness of their was alluding they belong to a cultured family, the way both of them was sitting with their back straight, while talking to Yuna and Edna.

Taehyung walk closer to them, and bowed while greeting them gently, gaining their attention.

Taehyung: Good morning everyone, It's kim Taehyung, glad to see both of in our house sir and ma'am.!

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