Chapter 3

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Ariel's POV

I woke up early this morning, feeling grateful for the early start. After lying in bed for 15 minutes, having woken up at 7:00 a.m., I scrolled through Instagram and stumbled upon Justin's page. While browsing, I accidentally liked one of his posts but quickly unliked it, followed him, and moved on. With my 15 minutes up, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

As I dressed and completed my skincare routine, a notification popped up on my phone - it was Justin following me back. I finished getting ready, putting my hair in a high bun with a swoop, and then took out my outfit that I had planned to wear. After spritzing on perfume for what felt like the millionth time, I decided to snap a pic of my ensemble. Opting for my blue Matty bag, I leisurely made my way downstairs, admiring the photo I'd just taken and posting it to my Instagram story.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I was greeted by the delicious aroma of Mom's cooking. Surprised, I exchanged puzzled looks with her as she greeted me with a cheerful "Good morning." Taking a seat, I sampled the breakfast she'd prepared, pleasantly surprised by its delicious taste. After a few bites, I felt satisfied and left the rest, as Mom handed me my lunch money of $7500. She proceeded to wash the dishes while I hurried upstairs to brush my teeth once more, grabbed my car keys and bag, bid Mom farewell, and headed out.

In the car, I released a burp I hadn't realized I was holding in, silently thanking God before buckling up and reversing out of the driveway. Arriving at school at 8:15, I leisurely gathered my belongings from the car and made my way to class, with 14 minutes left before school started. I decided to take on the new rebel challenge - hey ih challenge tuff yf . After completing it and posting it, I settled into my seat, alternating between scrolling through Instagram and reading Wattpad. Shoutout to Nerrika!

When the bell finally rang, I put my phone away and took notice of my surroundings, noticing that many of my classmates were mostly sporting jerseys from teams such as Man U, Man City and Brazil. Shortly after, Ms. Lowe and the dean of discipline arrived for registration. After a brief morning greeting and a small devotion, the dean inspected our attire, focusing more on jeans than tops, ca look pon Maria fren dem bout dem ina tank top.

As the dean passed by me, she looked at me from head to toe.

Tek off ih woman sumn
My subconscious jeered her

But pon big man level mhii have on har clothes mek she a look pon mhii so.After she left my form teacher hissed her teeth. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, pondering the quirks of our teachers and silently coming up with reasons they did not report her to the ministry. Ca come on if uh nuh like ih woman go report har say u and har can't gree simple.

After our form teacher left, I noticed the soon-to-be principal of the school, Maria, arriving. I couldn't help but wonder if she didn't realize that school starts at 8:30 a.m., not to mention the principal reach long time before that.

Deciding to mind my own business, I checked my timetable on my phone and realized I had biology first. Mentally preparing for another lesson on dissecting some poor animal, I braced myself for the class.

A few minutes later, Mr. Sinclair burst into the classroom dressed in his full Chelsea jersey he then clumsily stumbled over and fell right on his ass . I couldn't help but laugh, holding back until I almost fell out of my seat. It was hard to contain myself, especially seeing his pristine white suit contrasting with his less-than-graceful entrance.

Once we composed ourselves, we focused on the class, except for Maria, who was as disengaged as ever. Back when we were friends, I would've pinched her and taken her phone, but now I couldn't care less about what she did. With 15 minutes left, Mr. Sinclair asked for homework. Hastily flipping through my notes, I found mine and walked up to him. On the way, I overheard a boy whispering to his friend about me, saying " Da girl deh batty big enuh fhii a slimmaz." which annoyed me,

𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora