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Before I start, (again), I want to dedicate this to thefault_in_5sos because this story came from an idea of hers! 😊

Luke's POV:

I've had voices in my head for a while now, but no one's seen that they're driving me insane a little more every day.

The voices had bodies, too.

Three guys.

Super curly hair and hazel colored eyes.

Black hair with a blonde streak in the front and dark, chocolate brown eyes.

Jet Black hair and forest green eyes.

They drove me insane!

But no one saw them, except for me.

They're messing up my grades and my personal life.

They're playing tricks on my mind.

My doctor diagnosed me with schizophrenia, a disorder in which the victim can not tell a difference between a thing that's real and a thing that's not.

They have imaginary friends that drive them insane, little by little.

Mine isn't that far along, but I still have it and once you have it, it doesn't go away.

But more about me as a person.

I'm Luke.

I've got blonde hair, which, most of the time, is styled up into a quiff and blue eyes that girls swoon over.

I'm a Junior at River Oaks High-School and I have no friends, except Ashton, Calum, and Michael.

They technically keep me from having friends because everyone I try to talk to, thinks I'm insane. I am, but really? Can I not make friends.

I have to go, they're here.

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