Chapter : 32 {WarLord}

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Y/n's POV :

I avoided Ace for the night as the next day I woke up seeing no one in the hotel except me and Umi

"Weird" I muttered

"I saw Ace wake up early however didn't bother to ask because I was so sleepy" Said Umi

.... "Oh? Where could they had gone?"  I asked

She shook her head

"Maybe something for the plot, it's best to let them be alone for a while so that they can go with the plot" Said Umi

.... I looked at the ground

But what if....


It was night already, Now I am pissed!

"Where do you think they are?" I asked Umi looking at the moon, even the hotel staffs don't know anything

"They are boys, maybe at a party or sth" Said Umi

.... She must be aware of me feeling down, however she won't say anything because of the freaking plot!


It's been two days since.....

What if they ditched us? I shook my head

He is Ace! Even if we are a burden to them they just won't leave us in this island!

... I trust them


It was the second day at the hotel, even the hotel staffs seemed to get the hint and were wary of us for the payment

.... All the money and luggage are here, except the crew

That's a good thing... I guess?


I was outside with Umi, taking a scroll, we both have been worrying about them our asses off!

"Do you think they really left?" I asked

"A weak girl and a kid, of course anyone would leave us" Said Umi

She seems hurt

"I am disappointed in them" Said Umi

"At least they left us money!" I tried to make the situation lighter

"But I don't think they have left yet" Said Umi

".... Maybe"

"Let's go check out if 'piece of spadile' is still where it is supposed to be" Said Umi

"OH YEAH!" I said, why didn't I think of it before? Even if they left without us of course they used their ship!

We started to walk away from the hotel when I heard a noise

"/n....." It was a distance voice but I knew the owner of it

I turned around

"Y/N!!" It was Ace grinning as he was crippling towards me and Umi, blood in his whole body

Without thinking about anything I ran

I ran and hugged him, didn't cared about the blood

"I am sorry I am late" He grinned as I punched his back lightly



Umi was bandaging Ace as all of us sat at the room, deuce and the others included


... Now that I think about it, we have information from the Ace novel that he defended a warlord before

"Haha he was quite strong not gonna lie!" Laughed Ace

"You should had escaped rather than get more beaten up!" I pouted as he pat My head

"If we came into the hotel they would had found you guys, so we had no other choice" Said Deuce

.... Aweee

"Okay I forgive you guys then" I replied

"I apologize too, I was under the impression that-" Before Umi could finish her line I put my hand on her mouth

"N- nothing hahah"


Ace was sleeping peacefully as Me and Umi were sitting on the side bed

"I feel bad that we misjudged them" I sighed

"Same here, it's all because of you" Umi side eyed me

"I accept..... I mean we already knew Ace is gonna have a big fight with the man who is 'Marked By Flames', we both didn't had that in mind" I sighed

"Let's not tell Ace about--"

"Morning" He said as we both jumped up the bed

"YOU SCARED ME!" Said Umi as she kicked Ace to the wall

"Ahaha Sorry Sorry, btw how did you guys knew I was fighting the man marked by flames?" He asked

Me and Umi looked at each other with a grin

"You told us!" We exclaimed

Ace laughed as he got up from the bed

He hugged the both of us

"I missed you guys" He rested his face on my neck

My body relaxed

I Hugged him back

"Us too.. " I muttered

"Me.. Too" Whispered Umi

"You guys thought we left without you huh" He asked

"H-huh? N-no!" I tried to lie who was to no avail

"I can never leave you two even if I wanted to"

Maybe abandoned orphans like me and Umi needed to hear this even once in our lives

"...... Hm"


*Chapter Ends!! Byee :3!!*

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