chapter 11

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Han's pov
"No...not that" I said looking between the cars.
"We have been here for an hour jisung...damn it choose something " minho hyung yelled in frustration.
"Hey, you were the one who offered to come with me to buy a car stop whining" I answered rolling my eyes" plus as I said it is a car not a pair of pants,I need to concentrate " I added.
"I came because I love cars but I regret my decision " he whispered making me chuckle but as soon as my eyes fell on the vehicle in front of me I stopped.

"That one" I said pointing at the black bugatti.
"Jisung that damn car is over 13 million dollars...are you trying to go bankrupt?"the older yelled looking at me with wide terrified eyes.
"You are underestimating how rich my grandfather was...believe me so did I...he liked to live a very humble life...don't worry I can afford it" i said chuckling "it is worth it "I added humming scanning the beautiful ride.
"You lost it...totally...maybe like the brain cancer damaged your brain cells before it magically disappeared " he said as we walked together to the front desk.
"Very funny hyung "I said in a mocking tone.

"I was not joking" he answered.
"Hello sir how can I help you?" The woman asked giving us a small smile.
"The black bugatti,I want to buy it" I said, she scanned me up and down confused...well considering that I am wearing a hoodie and pair of jeans I don't blame her, she might be thinking that we are here to fool around.
"I will get the papers ready I guess...and call my manager" she replied making me nod.


"He is going to lose all his money in matter of months" seungmin said.
"That's what I said" minho hyung answered, the boys except chan was surprised by my choice of car.
" rich are you?" Felix asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Why are you looking for a rich boyfriend?" I asked chuckling.
"Maybe I am...are you interested?" He said sending me wink...I grew closer to all boys during the past days but with felix it is different, we keep on teasing and flirting with each other all the time...but I know it is just messing around.
"I have an exam tomorrow,I need to go back home and study" jeongin said getting up.

"Tomorrow is Sunday..."
"I meant the day after...see you" the younger cut chan hyung off before he ran out of my apartment.
"What was that now?" Changbin hyung asked confused.
"Inie is off these days" chan hyung answered...I leaned into the couch thinking...could it be? I looked at felix who seemed disappointed after the younger left. I guess there is no harm in trying right...a wide smirk came into my lips at the thought.
"So did you hear from that man...what was his name hyunjin?"chan hyung said out of nowhere making my eyes widen.
"What no...why would I?" My voice came out louder than I attended making all the boys stare at me with amused faces.

"I said once and I will say it again...jisung totally have a crush on him" felix said chuckling.
"Shut up blondie, you better go and confess to your crush instead of teasing me" I said rolling my eyes.
"Even though he changed a bit his rude behavior would never leave him" minho said.
"I learned from the best" i replied giving him a wink.
"This boy I swear..."
"Okay, guys stop" chan hyung said" but really didn't see him again...I mean we don't know him but you seemed interested in the never dated before and he..."

"You never dated before" seungmin yelled making me glare at chan hyung who chuckled nervously.
'No" I simply answered"and the last time I saw him was in the park few days ago he walked me home before he left " i added remembering the taller. I didn't say anything then but he didn't seem I think he is going through something...his hair was messy...he was wearing the same clothes from the other night at the club...I didn't stop thinking about him yet I didn't encounter him since last time...
"If you have a crush on him I won't blame you, he is totally hot"felix said pulling me from my thoughts.
"Back off he is mine lee" I joked pointing my finger at him.
"You gave up on me already....I am hurt" he said clenching his chest making laugh.

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