Now that's evil.

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Me and Match were at art, we're giggling

Or gossiping really.

I showed her the voice recording

"And he's so.. Loveable."

Leafy said in the recordings

"Amazing right?"

I asked

Marched giggled


"Just imagine if we could edit this, or use it to our advantage."

I grinned

"That would be amazing."

Match smiled

But the thing was.. How would we use it?

We have recordings of Firey saying some mean stuff about Leafy, and we COULD show it to Leafy and break her heart but..

What would be the point? I mean, it's a waste of time and recording.

Honestly, we need a plan.

I looked down

Match looked at me

"You.. Ok?"

She asked

"These recordings are awsome but now are we going to use them?"

I asked

She thought for a moment, then shrugged

I gripped my phone

".. We need a plan."

Match looked up

"I know that. But what plan??"

I signed

"I mean, how could we use's these are like, revenge or something?"

I shrugged

Match looked down too


Match looked up

I then had an idea

I looked at Match

"What if we interview people. Ask them about certain people. After that we can edit the clip."

I smirked

I was evil.

Match gave a big smile

"Wow. Now that's fun"

The issue was..

We both we bad at computers..

We then heard a whistle


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