The Meeting

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Chilli said to me; "Bandit is in hospital because of the fight, why did you fight? and why you gave him such a dirty fight, like kicking his face and nunchucks?"

I answered: "I just played with my kids, Bandit saw us, then he punched me"

Chili said: "That is because you invaded our backyard, and you copied our games and you tried to mock us."

I answered: "That is not true."

She answered; "Bandit returns from hospital after two days, I will call you for an appointment for you two"

Two days later...

I got a phone from Chili: "Meet Bandit at the park, if you will only touch him, I will call the police, I will not tolerate any violence!"

I went to the park I saw a bench and a table,

I sat there and I waited for Bandit to come and he came

Bandit was little pissed off, He asked me: "You want to tell me something mate?"

I was a little bit amazed by his request, I need to apologize even though that he started attacking?

I answered humbly: "I wanted to apologize for beating you..."

Bandit was quiet for a moment then I asked: "Do you also apologize? you are the one who attacked first, why did you do that?"

Bandit answered: "Because you came to annoy me, you started imitate us and copying me, you willl never be like me, I am way our of your league."

I started to feel little bit angry,

I answered: "What do you mean out of your league?"

Bandit answered: "That I am better dad than you, mate."

I answered angrily: "You are cocky, arrogant and very immature, you don't know what humility is, you always bragg when you win and you never lose, you humiliated your brother Stripe when you beat him in Squash, you mock Bluey when you won on a race."

He answered: "getting crooked aren't we?"

I said: "You know how to do everything, like driving, cooking, dancing, mowing, skateboarding, shooting, building, while I know very few things.. you don't have any weaknessess, and there is nothing that you don't know how to do,"

He laughed a little bit and said;'That's because I am so awesome, I am the best dad, person in the universe, everyone knows that."

I got angrier, what a narcissist!!! why people love an arrogant jerk like Bandit?

I answered: "I am a better dad than you! I have more children than you."

He answered: "You are the one who is being immature mate. You can't face the truth."

I answered: "Let's compete who is better dad, you will see that I am way beeter than you."

He said: "Okay mate, just don't cry if you will lose"

I started to tell Bandit: "I have four children, I play with them board games, physicall games, and I love to be on a swing with them, I draw with them, I help them with homework, I support them. I dicipline them, I listen to their problems. Why you are considered: "Dad of the year?"

Bandit smiled and said: "Jealous mate?"

I remembered that I read on the internet that Bandit will do everything for his children, even make a fool of himself, and he will always play with his children even when he is exhausted"

I answered: "So what? I also play with my children even when I am tired, do you dicipline them? or help them with homework?"

I added: "There many cartoon dads like you even better, like Mufasa or professor Utonium who is also a dedicated father, what makes you so special? and why you are so perfect? where did you learn alll those activities?"

Bandit answered: "My mother taught me when I was a kid, it's not my problem that you don't know how to do those activities, mate"

I answered: "You only eat all day and drive, those are your only skills, you are fat and uninteligent!"

Bandit ansered calmly: "Listen mate, if you will keep talking to me disrespectufully, I will get up and leave, if your only point in this meeting is to insult me and show me how jealous are you, there is no point on making amends."

He added: "By the way mate, I have a third degree on archeology. And I am into sports"

I answered: "That's exactly what I am saying, how you are so perfect? you also have third degree, you know sports, cooking, chores, surfing, skateboarding and squash? I also want to be "the best dad in the universe" and be the best at everything like you, you always get along with your family there are never any conlicts."

Bandit said: "Look mate, we all have strengths and weaknesses...."

I interrupted him: "I don't like your personality, you are loud and proud, arrogant, jerk....."

Bandit stood up and left: "Goodbye mate."

Bandit left the meeting.

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