Chapter 12

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One of the guards asked me,"Who is this Cinderella?" I told them she is a fairytale I used read about as a child. I had to tell them the story. When I was done they said they were better off not knowing the existence of Cinderella. I wore the glass slippers and admired them for a moment. The others happily watched me dance around like a princess. I pretended Jasper was holding my hand and we were dancing. He and I had one opportunity to do so before Jayden burst in and made a mess of things. I froze in anger and took a few sharp breaths. I forced an exhale and resumed dancing. Jasper stared at me smiling. I heard his beautiful laugh and I blushed and pressed my face against his chest. I raised my head to see that he was gone. I fell to the floor and cried. Oleg gave me a hug and he carried me outside to watch the bats fly around. They sensed that I was in pain so they came in swarms and flew around me. Oleg went inside and closed the door. He and the others watched the bats interact with me.

Aaron tried to open the door Igor stopped him. He said the bats are nice to me for some reason but they will rip him apart if he goes out. He watched as the bats surrounded me and flew away. He was shocked to see that I was alive. One or two bats clung to the sleeve of my shirt. They dangled upsidedown and swung a little. This made me laugh. I chocked a little bit but I started to laugh. The bats detached from me and came close to my cheeks. It felt like they gave me a kiss before they flew away. I leaned forward and waved at them. The bats swirled and around like they were expecting me to join them. So I climbed up the ledge and jumped. I turned into a bunch of bats and flew with them for a while.

Oleg whistled to let me know that disaster might be at the door. He left the door to the veranda open. I flew indoors in bat form and come together as a clump. First to reappear was my face. Then my neck and torso and finally my limbs so I was whole again. Didn't do much for the hole in my heart. My security was shocked to see this new ability of mine. I casually walked towards the door. I used Xray vision to see that it was Inge.

I mentioned this to Igor before I opened the door. Demian asked me if this was part of super vision. I said yes as I opened the door. True to my words Inge was there holding a box. Abe had sent it. I connected with Abe to thank him for the present but he said that he had sent none. I showed him what I was seeing and hearing. I asked her who sent the box and she said Abe. Abe screamed into my head as he called my penthouse line. Serena answered it and got an earful. She gave me the comms saying that Abe was pissed about something. Abe made a simple request. He asked me to asked her who sent the box. I asked her again and she calmly said Abe.

Abe ordered her arrest as he was coming to find out what the hell was going on. Sure enough he arrived by helix and he jumped into the veranda. I gave him a round of applause. He smiled at my childish behavior. He pat me on the head as he faced Inge with the utmost hate. She shriveled as he turned werewolf. Abe is huge and he is foreboding. He growled and I translated it. "Why did you lie about me?" She shook her head, "I didn't lie Abe sent this" Like I said Abe has limited control once he changes to wolf. Like I said Abe has limited control once he changes to wolf. He lunged at her and I stopped him. He wanted to punch her. I showed him that she was hypnotized. He kicked the wall and had her sent to interrogations. He took a few minutes to recover from his rage and then he apologized. I told him that he needs anger management or there will be those who will say he is unstable and unfit to be emperor. He promised to take care of his rage.

He sent the box to CIB (Central Investigations Bureau). They placed it inside a glass box and use artificial hands to open it. It exploded the moment it opened. The glass almost cracked. They tested the chemical that sprayed all over the inside of the box and found out it was antigens extracted from Jayden. This is made Abe and Soren mad. My security were livid. They wanted to rip poor Inge apart. So I interrogated her.

She was placed in a glass box. I simply used hypnosis to ask who said it was from Abe. The response was simple. It was Ute and Gunther. The council was so pissed that they didn't even bother with a trial. Both of them were chained to the floor in the sun room. This place is situation on the top of CIB. The place is a single room that has sunlight all day long. Abe kept this room as a means to punish vampires who misbehave. Ute and Gunther both were yelling at us. Abe asked me t nshut them up so I clapped my hands. Soren asked them a simple question. Why did they do this. Their response was simple. They wanted things the way it was when nocturnals came into existence. Vampires versus werewolves. Werewolves are slaves and with vampires as masters. To Ute the werewolves will never amount to anything. They are dirt undernesth her boots. I am a symbol of peace between both sides and so they have waited till the right moment to attack. They have tried to study me so they can find a weak point but their treachery was discovered. But this did not discourage them at all. In fact this motivated them more. They were insulted that Abe was allowed to be Emperor. The plan was simple. Ute wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Turn me human and blame it on Abe for the crime and make everyone hate the werewolves. The war will resume and things will set right. I made it clear that this shinanigan is over. Ute disagreed with me. She said that there are more like her and they will never stop till the war resumes. I promised to deal with them instantly.

The council sentenced them both to death. The vampires walked out and I pulled a chair for Abe. He sat while as the both of them tugged at the chains. The windows and the sunroof was retracted. They realized that the glass was not guerrilla glass an ordinary pane that you can break even with your fist. The sun began to rise and both of them started to roast. They smelt like meat cooking on a grill. The werewolves were staring angrily as the both them started to writhe with pain. I saw a glimpse of the sun and both them started to char and smoke. As the sun rose both of them started to scream. I was about to stuff my fingers in my ears but Abe stop me. He insisted that I don't. He said that this is educational. I obediently listened to his order. When the sun looked like it was a foot about the horizon they both caught fire. They hands fell off and they tried to run. They want the pain to stop. They wanted to get to safety. But I ran and grabbed the chain to keep them in their place. I wrapped the chain around their feet. They fell face first and that didn't deter them at all. They tried to get up but I knocked them down. They fell to the floor and took a pugilist pose before they went completely silent. I was frozen stiff seeing dead people like this. Abe pat me on the shoulder and we walked out of the room. Werewolves took the corpses and threw them into an incinerator. I watched them burn and I was certain that I had removed such idiots centuries ago. But clearly some had survived. The werewolves promised to find them and deal with them. Inge was allowed to leave but someone kept an eye on her all the time.

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