12. Too much In one day

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I'm trying to continue where I left off but the last thing I wrote was very much questionable so ye sorry it took so long...for now I have one hand. 


My god there is something wrong with me doing that over Oscar in the shower is crazy.

I walk out of the shower wrapping a towel around me and one on my head. Opening the bathroom door I grab some clothes and throw on shorts and a hoodie. I grab my phone place it in my pocket calling out for my Abuela,

"yes, Gabriela" Abuela says, "I'm going to walk to the shops ok I'll be back soon" I replied kissing her on the head.

I walk outside feeling the warm sun tingle on my skin, "hey girl where you going" Mia yells from the other side of the street. 

You've got to be kidding me

 I turn my head towards Mia who's sitting on Oscar's lap proudly like he's a trophy. "I'm going to the supermarket walking for some fresh air" I yell. Mia looks at Oscar smirking "Me and Oscar will join you" Mia says standing up with Oscar following behind. 

For fuck sake, she sure knows how to ruin my day

We walk to the supermarket with me in the middle Oscar on my right and Mia on my left.

"so any new boys" Mia says, 

Oscar's hand brushes against mine "Um n-no" I reply moving my hand away. I could feel Oscar staring, his eyes burning into my skin. I face Oscar he doesn't look too happy we stare into each other's eyes for a while I smile then Oscar looks away with a smile tugging on the corner of his mouth. 

Mia kept talking and talking. She was rambling about her exes, poor Oscar. I came up with a plan to run with Oscar from Mia. I could see that he wasn't happy. 

"Is that your ex?" I say, Mia turns her head towards the man and yells "Yes, oh my god Jake are you seriously following me"

Mia speed walks to him yelling his name, I turn to look at Oscar and I grab his hand, he looks at me with a blank expression "Run" I whisper smiling. Oscar smirks and we run hand in hand laughing.

 We made it to the supermarket Oscar stopped both of us catching our breath, I turned back to look at Oscar he stared into my eyes with a sorry look on his face. He moves closer to me. "Oscar" I say looking at the ground and placing my free hand on his chest trying to stop him from getting closer.

My stomach fills with butterflies

No what is he doing to me, he has a girlfriend, I need to stop. But I can't.

I stand there, still holding hands with Oscar, he leans closer and closer my hand sits there over his heart. His heartbeat is racing, It's probably from running

I notice a car that seems so familiar to me, huh who could it be?

'Baby where are you' the most annoying person screams, it's Mia. I quickly pull my hand out of Oscars stepping back, not looking at him. "Baby why did you leave me" I hear Mia say, "oh um we thought you were behind us" Oscar says waiting for me to say something. 

I stand there with my back to them not saying a thing, I walk into the supermarket. 

Shit that was too close

My arms crossed over my chest walking looking at the ground.

She's so annoying, she ruins everything but Oscar loves her so they should be together it doesn't bother me, right?

I bump into a rock-hard body, my hands placed on their muscular chest, who is this man?

" fuck I'm so sorry, let me pick these up for you," I say kneeling on the floor and putting the fruits back into the bag. "I'm so sorry" I say finally making eye contact with the man. His bright green eyes shine as he runs his hands through his soft black hair. "Mia," the man says with a low tone. 

Oh no, what is he doing here?

"Roman," I say, my eyes beginning to tear up, I shove the bag Into his chest and run past him into one of the shopping aisles. 

Shit why didn't I go back outside, he's gonna find me now

Roman Is my Ex we dated from when was 16 for a year he was the best boyfriend ever, he was so nice to me always checking up on me, he wasn't too overprotective, and he always knew what to do or what to say to make me happy and he's super hot, his green eyes black hair and his muscular arms. 

ugh, this man is still perfect. 

I stand In the international food aisle, grabbing ramen I walk to the drinks aisle and grab a bottle of Fanta. I turn around and bump into someone, dropping all my stuff on the floor.

What is with me bumping into people today

"I'm so sorry Mia...Let me pick these up for you" Roman says with an apologetic smile on his face, grabbing my bottle of Fanta and a pack of ramen. "let me walk to the counter" Roman says smiling at me. 

His perfect smile always made me blush, but not today, no way. 

We walk to the counter and I see Oscar leaning against the walk to the left of us. 

"Um thanks, Roman, you can go now," I say not looking at Roman or Oscar. The cashier comes up "Hi how are you" the girl says staring at Roman. "I'm great..." I look at her name tag "Frankie"

I pay for my things I turn to look at Oscar and he's Staring at me but he's not angry he looks sad.

Shit im not crying am I

I quickly walk away from Roman not saying a word to him, "I'm going home Oscar I'll see you later" I say to Oscar walking past him. he doesn't say anything, I look back to see Oscar talking to Roman laughing. 



Hey hey hey, this chapter is short but I promise I'll make up for it in the next one, sorry for the really long break, let me know if I can fix anything x 

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