14. Oscar you Promised...

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We were sitting down in the lounge with Jamal, Jasmine, Ruby and Cesar. We are all at my house, we decided to catch up because we haven't been together in a while.

I haven't seen them in so long.

Should I tell them about the other day at the grocery store?

"Oi, Gabriela...hello," Jamal says waving his hand in front of my face, I'm sitting there staring at the TV.

"Sorry," I say, tucking my hair behind my ears, "so what's new guys," I say bouncing my knee.

"not much, all the boring stuff" Jasmine says, "what about you" Ruby says to me, "Oh nothing, what boring stuff did you do" I reply. Biting the inside of my cheek, Cesar puts his hand on my knee stopping it from bouncing. 

"you okay gab?" he says genuinely. I move my knee from him, his hand slipping off looking away disappointed. Jamal notices and looks at Cesar weirdly, "Cesar where's Monse at" Jamal says interested. "uh, um, she's at her mum's place" Cesar says. 

"I gotta go" Cesar says walking out the front door quickly and looking at the ground. 

"what the flipity flip was that," Jamal says, "Got no idea," Jasmine says, looking at me and then at Jamal. 

Sitting on the old green couch and playing with my fingers I'm thinking about Roman and me, all those years ago he was perfect. The best boyfriend you could ask for, always asking how I was, bringing me flowers, giving me hugs and taking me out for dinner. But most importantly calling me the most beautiful girl on earth. 

"guys this girl keeps texting me and sometimes I see her outside my house sitting on the curb" Jamal says. 

"Bro, what report it to the police are you alright?" Ruby says, "Yeah that is 100 per cent stalking, sitting on your curb outside is crazy" Jasmine adds. 

"yeah Jamal," Ruby says

"nah nah it's fine, she's kinda cute," Jamal says "JAMAL" Jasmine says, "she is literally sitting outside your house and you didn't even give her your address, did you let her in?" Jasmine adds. 

"Yeah of course I did never let a woman sit on her own, who knows what would happen" Jamal, "who knows what would happen to you" Ruby said. 

*Knock Knock* 

"yeah but still she's a woman she won't do anything" Jamal says, "what's that supposed to mean?" Jasmine says with a little anger. "no not like that Jasmine, I just know she wouldn't do anything" Jamal says rushing. 

*knock knock*

"yeah yeah whatever," Jasmine says

*knock knock*

I hear the door knock, I walk up to the tall tan door grab the door handle turn it pulling the door open. 

"Hi," Roman says leaning on the door frame, I push him stepping outside closing the door behind me. 

"Roman what are you doing here," I say crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I came to talk to you of course," he says smiling, I look past Roman, and see Oscar staring at us, he's sitting on the couch drinking a beer. 

I look back at Roman and look into his beautiful eyes, "What do you want Roman? I say looking up at him. 

"you shouldn't even be here?" I say, "What do you mean?" Roman says staring at me. I look away staring at the ground "Why are you here, in this town?"

"Because..." Roman says, "Because I need you"

"I miss seeing your smile every day, and your beautiful face, I need you and I know that you need me" Roman says stepping closer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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