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NovemberBangalore, India

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Bangalore, India

Rhea's POV

"I don't like that one!" I whisper-yell into Nithya's ear, my irritation barely contained. Her smile fades as she glances at the pink saree she's holding.

"This colour seems a little... off. Can we see something else?" Nithya suggests to the group of ladies eagerly helping with my wedding shopping. They nod in agreement, but my aunt frowns.

"What's wrong with this colour? It's pink, and pink suits Amaira better. Look." She drapes the cotton candy pink saree over my shoulder, her happy expression making me scowl. 

This bitch. Then why don't you get it for yourself? I think to myself. 

Nithya pulls the saree off me, placing it back. "I don't think Aryan will like it," she comments. Then she glances at my future mother-in-law, who seems to sense the silent war between my aunt and Nithya, and puts on a smile.

"Yeah, he might not like it," my future mother-in-law agrees, backing us up. I silently thank her with a smile, and she blinks in understanding.

"Then let's do one thing," my aunt begins, handing me my phone. I look at her, confused. "Amaira, video call Aryan." She orders, and my lips thin before I nod curtly and dial him.

Aryan had messaged me last night, telling me to get what I like and not to heed anyone else's opinion. He was being considerate, unlike my annoying aunt. The call rings three times before Aryan picks up, and suddenly, his bare chest fills the screen. My eyes widen in surprise. This isn't what I expected with everyone around me.

He smiles upon seeing me, dimples showing, and I give him a tight smile back. I quickly end the call when I see my aunt peeking over my shoulder. I turn to see her confused expression. "He said he'll call back in two minutes," I tell her.

"But I didn't hear him speak," she replies, still confused. Two other women, who I don't know, nod in agreement.

"He gestured it to me. Two minutes, he'll call back." I hold up two fingers, forcing a smile. I hear a snort and a muffled laugh from beside and behind me. I narrow my eyes at Nithya, who snorted and I glance at my future mother-in-law, who looks amused.

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I unlock it to see three question marks from Aryan. 'Why are you naked?' I text him, followed by, 'In shopping and my aunt wants you to select a saree for me.' For some reason, Aryan finds the situation amusing, sending me laughing emojis.

'Why are you laughing??' I text instantly.

'I didn't know you were affected by my nakedness,' he texts back with a wink emoji, making me roll my eyes.

'I AM NOT,' I reply. 'There are people around me. For your own sake, wear a T-shirt and call me back,' I text, locking the phone and hoping he complies.

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