Let's Dance

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Onika POV
( the next morning )

I felt the sun pointing directly in my face. I finally found the energy to open my eyes. When I opened my eyes I panicked because the question of the day was " Why the hell am I in Beyoncé room ". Then the following night played over in my head and I realized indeed I did follow her upstairs. I got up and went to use the bathroom and looked for a new toothbrush. Then it dawned on me that indeed Mia slept over too. I rushed to the guest room and she wasn't laid in the bed. I ran downstairs and I heard small conversation in the kitchen. When I turned the corner I was able to let out the breath that I didn't even realize I was holding in.

" Mommyyyyyyyyyyyy " she ran and attacked my legs.

" Hi my baby, it seemed as though you missed me ". kissing her forehead as I picked her up.

" I did, me wanted to wake you up but BeyBey said no let you sleep " she said with a pout on her face.

" Indeed I did snitch " Bey said before sticking her tongue out at Mia.

" I no snitch I tell truth " Mia said before copying Bey sticking her tongue out.

Bey rolled her eyes and got up from the counter and found her way by the both of us.

" Good Morning beautiful, how did you sleep ? " She said as she put her hand on the side of my face.

I couldn't even respond because I was blushing so much.

" words Onika " she said.

" words Onika " Mia said smiling ear to ear. Both of them gets on my nerves.

" Since you guys want to know so bad, it could've been better ". Winking at Bey and walked off to the fridge.

I was indeed lying it was the best sleep I had in a long time. Being wrapped up in Beyoncé arms was the best feeling ever. She made me feel so safe and comfortable. I was able to smell the vanilla scent she always seems to smell like. I also felt her penis on my back that she think I don't know about and when I say I want to see what she can do with it. I MEAN IT.

" Mommy gommy called me this morning she said I stay with her tonight " Mia said asking to confirm the information that Lauren told her.

" Yes. You're staying with the big headed monster tonight " I said.

" You do know that Lauren is my sister girlfriend right ? " Bey said.

" Oh that's interesting because I've been trying to meet who she been sneaking around with but she doesn't want me to meet her because she knows I'm going to interrogate her ass. " I said laced with attitude.

" Trust me she's in good hands, they love each other. I'll set it up for you. Of course I need to be there to calm my sister nerves down. She'll be a mess because she knows that you means a lot to Lauren. So that means she knows she has to make a good impression ". Bey said typing away on her phone.

" Indeed she does but let me get this little girl home so I can get her ready and get my life together for tonight since I've been summoned to go somewhere ". I said rolling my eyes and smiling at the same time.

" Hmm yeah you do just that because if you're not ready then you'll be left " Bey said as she walked us to the elevator.

" I highly doubt that you'll leave your arm candy and be lonely tonight" I said very confidently. " Give BeyBey a hug Mia " Mia hugs Bey and Bey give her some kisses on her face.

" Don't get too big headed you were the third person I asked " Bey said knowing damn well she was lying.

I went to hug her and said in her ear while I massaged her scalp " And I bet whoever you asked don't look anything like me so you saved the best for last " and kissed her ear after that. She groaned and the elevator door opened.

Can I Trust You?  (BeyNika Story )Where stories live. Discover now