You said WHAT?

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Nicki POV

It's been 2 months since I haven't worked. I might not play about my sleep and I'll never turn down no nap. But I'm also not turning down no check either.

I'm currently in ATL for niece Ari Fletcher birthday dinner. I brought Mia with me because yes it's business that's I'm handling but it's also family. We've been down here for a week. Ari is very extra and wanted an event up until the dinner.

The menu consisted of Baked chicken, Bbq Chicken, Buffalo Chicken, Baked Ziti, Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Candied Yams, Mashed Potatoes, White Rice, Broccoli, Corn, Collard greens, and Cornbread. Ari just knows I love her because she knows she had me working like a slave.

The Party has officially started and everyone was just taking pictures and vibing out to the music. Mia was having a grand ole time with her cousins and all the kids that were here.

I was getting up to get me a drink and I felt eyes on my every move. I turned around and caught this girl staring at me biting her lip. I kept walking though because I don't know who she is.

" Auntie you put your feet in these yams, you know I love you right ? " she was so tipsy

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" Auntie you put your feet in these yams, you know I love you right ? " she was so tipsy.

"I love you too Ari. Are you enjoying yourself ? " I said smiling at her.

" You know she is, look at her can't stop smiling " Tae said. " When you going to let me do your hair Nicki ? " He said with a scrunched up face.

" Whenever you in Houston let me know or every time you come to Houston I'll be in that chair " I said winking at him.

" Don't be winking at me, I might be gay but I wouldn't turn down you ". He said sticking his tongue out into his drink.

" Eww don't be flirting with my Aunt don't piss me tf off  " Ari said smacking the back of his head.

All I could is laugh because they both are a handful.

" I wouldn't turn her down either, twin why you didn't introduce me to your Aunt " The girl who was staring earlier finally spoke up.

" Why I got introduce your grown ass? Byeeee " She said going back to talk.

Before she even had a chance to open her mouth Mia came running into the kitchen.

" Mommy can you get me some juice please I thirsty " She said

I went and grabbed her a juice pouch and she went right back to running around with the kids.

" She's adorable " I forgot she was even standing here.

" Thank You " I said with a smile because she didn't lie.

" My name is Katorah " she said with her hand out

" My name is Onika " I said while shaking her hand.

" If my hearing not off when you were talking earlier it was giving that you from NY ".

" Yes I'm From Queens, NY. Let me guess you're from Brooklyn.....? I said looking at her up and down.

" How you figure ? " she said laughing

" From how you talk & carry yourself I know it too well "

" I just moved to Houston two weeks ago. Needed a new scenery and I have family out there. New York was fun while it lasted. I'm ready for better. " She said and I started laughing.

" what's so funny ? " she said sucking her teeth.

" I'm sorry but it's just we both from NY and I also moved to Houston 5 months ago. " I said as I finished my drink.

" So you can't disagree to letting me take you out " She said licking her lips.

I wouldn't lie and say that she wasn't good looking. But as we all know I have Beyoncé at home. Speaking of Beyoncé I haven't heard from her all day. I called and texted her but no response. Which is weird. Very WEIRD. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt someone touch my arm. I looked up

" I'm sorry what we were talking about ? " I was embarrassed.

" I was asking when you going to let me take you out ? "

" I'm seeing someone, we can be friends ".

" I'll be your friend but let me know when whoever you're seeing mess up their chance until then I'll respect what you got going on. Let me get your number "

I told her my number because I can have friends.

Party was finally over and Mia was on my chest begging to speak to Beyoncé. I was beginning to get frustrated because since when she don't answer her phones.

I called Mama T.

" Hey my beautiful child " I started blushing.

" Hey Mama, I've been trying to get in contact with that long neck daughter of yours all day and received nothing. No answer, no Calls, or anything. "

There was an awkward silence on the phone.

" Hello? Mama T you still there ? " I said.

she sighed

" Beyoncé called me at 9am with a whole bunch of screaming and yelling. Saying that Meghan is trying to plant a baby on her which she knows it can't be hers because she is sure that she used protection. She told me that she was going over the girl house hours ago. She told me that she was going to tell you but to hear she hasn't spoken to you all day is telling me that she hasn't. "

I'm sorry what did she just say?

" You said what ? "

I was trying to refrain myself from going off because what does she mean Meghan is trying to pin a baby on Beyoncé. Beyoncé knew this information since 9am and hasn't reached out to me and said ANYTHING. Then you went to this lady house and nobody heard anything from you for hours?

" Your daughter just better be lucky I'm not in Houston right now. But I will be tomorrow she better have all her ducks in a row because if not it's not going to be pretty. I'll talk to you tomorrow Mama, I love you ".

Yeah it's time for me to go back to Houston.

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