True Form

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 *Sukuna POV a few minutes prior*

Sukuna was itching to go into the classroom. He gnawed at his lip and dug his nails into his skin the entire time he waited for you. He didn't want you anywhere near those assholes. His phone vibrated, and he looked at it seeing a text.

Unknown : The keys are in the mailbox

He felt himself settle for a moment. The one thing that was keeping him stable was the fact that he had a surprise for you when you were out of this class. You were either going to yell at him or glare at him with those pouty lips knowing you like his gift but feeling too uncomfortable to accept it. Either way, he couldn't wait to see the look on your face. He pocketed his phone as he leaned back with a sigh. Before he fully settled back the the door swung open, snapping his gaze to you his eyes widened. Your disheveled look hit him within a span of a second. Tears cascaded down your cheeks, blood oozing from your neck, your slick fresh, and your clothes shifted. His eyes took this in within that one second and before he knew it his true form took hold, ready for blood.

" He fucking touched you." He already knew, it didn't take a damn genius to know what happened. Yet he couldn't stop himself from asking. Like it wasn't true. Like he wanted you to say that he was wrong. He wanted to be wrong. Because, at that very moment of seeing you like that, he had felt rage like he had never felt before. Rage that only blood could satisfy.

He was already walking toward the door, your hands quickly going to his chest. "Sukuna wait-"

" I'm going to rip him apart! " He slammed his fist against the wall creating a spiderweb of cracks that spread quickly.

"Sukuna please!" You whined to him, balling your fist in his shirt.

He was seeing red. He knew you didn't want him to kill him, but he was going to fuck him up enough to wish he was dead. Punching the door open it flew across the room, the blonde hair asshole had jumped back against the wall. He looked toward him in surprise. "What-?"

Pushing into the room he broke the sides, with you on him trying, to hold him back. His four eyes zeroed in on the black-haired vampire who was standing in the back with shock written on his face.

As they gathered themselves from the surprise you had released a gasp. The students in the room were all standing with a sharp object pressed to their necks. They were turned away from the door, looking in different directions, most likely so he couldn't command them to stop. Eye contact was needed to put one under control. It was clear they were using them as hostages. Fucking cowards.

"You- you are-" Getou began to stammer taking in his appearance.

Nanami looked afraid as he put his hand out, "I-if you harm any of us these students will kill themselves, is that what you want?!"

" Don't fucking care, " Sukuna growled, his eyes glued to his prize as he moved.

"Please stop! Let them go!"

"That is up t-to him!" Nanami was still stammering.

"No!" You cried, slapping Sukuna's chest and making him stop for a moment. "S-Sukuna please, please let's go home-" You cried but he couldn't resit the burn wihtin his blood. Staring at the very man that touched you. Damn the others he didn't care. He wanted to separate the fucking vampire's head from his body. He was back on the move, pushing you to the side, you pulled on his shirt but he was too quick, in front of Getou before he could utter a word.

"WAIT!" Getou screamed as he snatched him up from his shirt. His other hands grabbed his limbs threatening to rip them off. Two on his arms and one on his leg, he was going to paint this entire room red.

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