Chapter 4.45 - Beachhead

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The sun was just starting to bleed red in the sky when the first wave of Deep Ones came.

Gunfire and explosions were dying down, leaving an eerie silence in their wake. Even from blocks away, Mod could see the swath of destruction from the drones as they'd cleared out the Deep One's crystalline structures. Mod saw the UV glint of drones just in front of the smoke as they pulled back. Soon, they'd be overhead, and the combined forces of the Summit, the military, and the drones would hold the line against whatever came next.

Mod, Arsenal, McGuire, Cherry, Krystal, Larian, and Serenity all stood on the edge of the roof overlooking the decimated flood zone. The giant black crow, Tuke, circled overhead. Despite all the water, smoke from fires on the upper floors blotted out the horizon.

McGuire muttered, "That doesn't look ominous at all."

Krystal pushed a tuft of blue hair back under her hood and chuckled darkly. "It's not everyday we face down an army."

McGuire added, "Not just any army! An army of bloodthirsty fish-men..."

TINA said to the group, "With the enclaves gone, the mages are taking total control."

Mod asked, "TINA, what strategy are the Summit and military using? Are they going to focus on the mages or eliminate other units first?"

"...There doesn't seem to be a consensus."

Arsenal added, "That's comforting. What is everyone around us planning on doing?"

"Nearby teams are going to hold their position unless targeted by a monstrosity. Those with ranged capabilities are going to target mages—"

Gunfire sounded from the military building. They were shooting south, toward the flooded zone.

Serenity tilted her head, then announced, "Confirmed. We have contact, everyone. Get ready."

"Movement in the buildings. The drones will mark them as they approach—watch for tracer rounds. There are more fish-men in the surf..."

McGuire pointed out in the distance. "Hey guys... Is it just me, or is the tide coming in even further?"

Larian added, "Tuke says the same thing."

TINA agreed. "Satellite readings confirm the same thing."

Cherry asked, "Should we fall back?"

Mod and Arsenal glanced toward the military building. Soldiers on the street were pointing nervously at the oncoming surge. The tank might not get swept away like the smaller vehicles, but the soldiers would have to get out and seek shelter in the building.

The tide turned into a surge, and any doubt those soldiers on the street had was quickly tossed aside. Soldiers scrambled out of vehicles and off of the street, but the four soldiers in the tank could only climb out so fast.

"They're not going to make it..." Arsenal hadn't finished her sentence before she rocketed up into the air and toward the tank.

She grabbed two soldiers and flew them up to an open window.

A breath later, the rest of the military building opened fire. Dozens of automatic rifles and mounted guns erupted, focusing down the street at the quickly encroaching wave. As if on cue, Mod saw faces emerge from the tide. The jagged smiles of fish-men soldiers mixing with the surf. They clambered over each other, so numerous that they blotted out the surf.

McGuire said, "TINA, we, uh... We see those fish-men you were talking about."

"Aerial support will be limited to large clusters. Venture's ordered me to ration the drones' ammo stores. We don't know how long this will go on for."

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