Chapter Twenty Three - Happy Free Confused and Lonely in the Best Way

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  "... and yeah, that's why I ignored you for all that time. When I left, Sydney reminded me more of bad memories than good, and I was hoping to put all of it behind me. Including you. I realise now that that was a dick move, mostly because you managed to track me down and haunt me of my time there. Isn't that a coincidence?" Rin smiled weakly at me as he finished explaining his epic saga to me outside of the aquatics center, and I let out a loud huff, my arms crossed.

"Bloody hell," I muttered under my breath. "You ignored me all because of that? A couple of blocks and walls, and I get ignored?"

"Look, [Name]-" I waved the Matsuoka away, shaking my head.

"Don't worry, I'm so over that right now. Thank you, Rin, for explaining your dickish behaviour towards me. But I actually came here to ask why you blew up like that in front of Rei the other night," I said with a small frown, raising an eyebrow at Rin. He paled, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"U-uh, well, like I said, I... uh..." He reached out and scratched the back of his head, frowning in deep thought.

"I have no excuse. I'm sorry." Rin said it straight up and clear, catching me much by surprise.

"Nothing?" I asked curiously, half expecting him to have some elaborate lie or excuse up his sleeve. He merely shrugged at me.

"Nothing. Pure jealousy and spite. It won't happen again, though, I promise." I tilted my head at Rin, unable to believe my ears.

"Are you actually being honest with me for once?" I asked in an awestruck voice, earning a nonchalant shrug from the swim team captain, who crossed his arms across his chest.

"Mmm. Now that that's over with, I think I'll return to my training. You can stay and watch, if you like." Without further ado, the Matsuoka turned on his heel and marched back into the building, and I held out a hand towards his retreating back.

"Ah- ugh, idiot! He dismissed training before we left!" I exclaimed in frustration, grabbing at my hair. "Rin!"

I followed him back to the pool area, and was half surprised to see that his team was still there, conversation buzzing as they lounged around the pool about something or the other. It was then that Momotarou stood up and pointed at us, exclaiming, "Matsuoka-senpai! Please explain!" I stopped in my tracks, and Rin turned around to look at me, an apologetic look on his face. I frowned in confusion; why did he look so guilty?

"Okay, you lot, settle down, settle down," said the Matsuoka tiredly, rubbing the back of his head. "Okay. What is it that's kept you knuckleheads back from getting changed? Are you guys asking for more laps?"

"We just want to know who she is, senpai!"

"I'm [Name], and that's all you need to know," I announced, glaring at the group of boys. They all withered away from me, exchanging looks of caution with each other as whispers electrified the atmosphere.

"Okay, fine! Guys, this is [Name]! She'll be my date to the school dance! Are you happy?!"

"Ehh?!" Among the chorus of confused exclamations was me, staring at Rin in incredulity from behind.

"What?! Bastard, when did I ever-" Rin turned around and swooped me into his arms, blocking my disbelieving face from his onlooking team.

"I'm sorry, [Name]," he said to me under the loudness and noise of his swimmers. "But I knew if I'd asked you in advance, you would have said no. You can't reject me now, can you?"

"You sly son of a bitch!" I hissed back, stiff under Rin's fake embrace. "You know I can't! That would just be plain heartless!"

Rin smiled a toothy grin at me, holding me at arms length.

"Uwaaa, so we don't have to take girls from Sakurazawa?!" exclaimed a team member, grabbing my attention. Behind him, Sousuke put a hand on his shoulder, a lopsided grin on his features as a million thoughts flew through my mind.

What? What ball? Did Rin just blackmail me? What's Sakurazawa? What the flying fuck is going on?!?!?!

"Don't be silly, of course we have to," tsked the Yamazaki, tugging at the member's ear. "Rin only gets to take [Name] because she's his girlfriend."


"What about me?! Can I bring my girlfriend?!"

"Don't be an idiot, Tajima, everyone knows you don't have a girlfriend-"

"Do too!"


Ruckus began as the subject of waifus and 3D girlfriends arose, and I fully gave up, looking at Rin with desperation in my eyes.

"I have no idea what's going on anymore," I said in a drawn out voice of agony, prompting Rin to smile and ruffle the top of my head.

"Don't worry; just play along," was all he said. "You could say that this is my revenge for that pool incident last month."

"You sly bitchbaby." I wanted to be angry at him, but I was (a) too confused to even think straight, and (b) slightly proud that he'd learnt the art of vengeance.

"I know."

All I did was stare at him, intrigued by what a different person he had become. Was this really the Rin Matsuoka I'd met all those years ago? Or had he become someone else?

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