Chapter Thirty Six - Wildest Dreams

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"So, are you up for the trip?"

Before I knew it, ball shopping time had befallen me, and I was out with the Matsuoka siblings in search of a dress fitting for the occasion. Gou was here to help me pick out what to wear; Rin was only here because he felt that "as my date and boyfriend," he should be able to have a say in what I wear. Which was stupid, because at the end of the day, I wouldn't take either of their advice. He was just using it as an excuse to hang out with me, surprise surprise.

"Yeah, why not," said jabber jaw, shrugging as he and I walked hand in hand, leaving Gou to walk on her lonesome on the side. We were becoming more and more believable as time passed: especially now, since Sen gave us her seal of approval, we'd been more vivacious about showing people that we were a real couple. Even though we weren't.

I should become an actress, I thought smugly to myself as the three of us walked into the Iwatobi mall.

"So, Gou, where are the good shops around here?" I asked, swinging me and Rin's hands back and forth.

"They're upstairs. Follow me." While Gou went ahead of Rin and I to the escalator, we both took our time following her from behind, starting to chat.

"So what are the plans for the accommodation?" asked Rin, as he let me go onto the escalator first.

"So we were thinking you and the boys could sort out who's rooming with who for the weekend, and me and Gou would get our own room," I said, chewing on my tongue thoughtfully. "How many of you are there? Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei... so maybe you could split into two and three?"

"Why don't we share a room, hmm?" asked Rin cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laughed, and playfully hit him on the chest.

"What, so you can eavesdrop on me and Gou trash-talking about you guys all night?" I sniggered, making the maroon haired male roll his eyes.

"Me and you. Gou and Makoto. Then the other three," said the Matsuoka, making me frown in thought.

"What would your mother say?" I scolded, turning my back on my so called "boyfriend."

"Nothing. Because she wouldn't know."

"Nice try, Rincess, but Gou is my roommate, and that's that," I said with an air of finality, making Rin groan.

"Fine, fine," he sighed in defeat, waving me away as I stepped off the escalator. "Where did she go, anyway?"

"There she is."


"Do you think this one's alright?"

I posed for Gou in the changing room as I finished putting on one of the dresses that had caught my eye, a completely laced, long black dress with sleeves that went down to my wrists. There was a black bandeau and short black skirt underneath the lace that covered my more important parts, leaving my midriff covered only by the black lace, and it looked like something a famous actress would wear on the red carpet.

"[Name], you look sexy as hell," whistled Gou as I spun around, looking in the mirrors at myself. This was one of those moments where I actually felt good about myself. I tried imagining myself fully ready: dress, heels, hair and makeup, and I decided, on the spot, that this was the dress I wanted. "You have a big butt."

"Thanks," I laughed, doing a final analysis before giving my nod of approval. "This one. For sure." Gou clapped, squealing excitedly.

"Nice! Now all we need is shoes!" she chirped. "I'll get out, and let you change!"

"Sweet." As the Matsuoka let herself out of the changing room, I heard Rin's voice.

"Do I even get a look?"

"You have to wait until ball night, dummy," came Gou's reprimanding voice, which was followed by a large groan on Rin's behalf.

"Fine, whatever. [Name], pass me the dress."

"Why?" I asked curiously, still shimmying out of the tight material. Rin's hand appeared over the top of the changing room, and I rushed to get out of the dress and fold it properly. Tip toeing, I handed it to him, and his hand disappeared without another word.

"Come on, [Name]! Shoes should be easy!" came Gou's voice as I slipped my clothes back on.

"Cool, coming," I said, putting my shoes on and grabbing my handbag as I opened the door. "Where's Rin?"

"He's at the checkout." I looked around the shop to see the Matsuoka at the checkout, receiving my dress, nicely packaged, from the person at the till.

"What?! Rin!" I marched towards the redhead, who held out the bag to me.

"Here's your dress," he said monotonously, making me look at him in confusion.

"Why did you pay for it?" I exclaimed, rummaging through my bag for my purse. "I didn't even check the price on it!"

"It was 20,000 yen," whispered Gou to me behind her hand.

"Ahh, really, Rin? Geez." I handed out two 10,000 yen notes to Rin, who pushed my hand away.

"Don't," he said. "It was no big deal. I wanted to come to pay for your stuff, anyway. What's next?"

"Shoes!" cut in Gou, pulling the two of us out of the store and towards the next one. My face was flushed at the realisation that he had literally just spent a lot of money on my damned dress. Around $250, Australian money.

"Rin," I said in an aghast voice, still in disbelief. He laughed and ruffled the top of my head, pulling me to his chest in a playful manner.

"Don't worry, [Name]," he chuckled, gently kissing me on the forehead. "Trust me, when we're married and I become a professional swimmer, I'll be buying you more than just dresses like this."

"Don't say that," I mumbled in a disheartened voice. Married. Yeah, maybe in your wildest dreams.

"Why not?" smiled Rin. I shook my head and looked away from him, feeling my face heat up.

"I don't know." He let out another laugh and pulled me closer to him, wrapping both of his arms around me as we both blindly followed Gou to our next stop.

"What would you like for lunch, hmm?" he asked, kissing me on the cheek. My face grew even hotter, and I blinked as I looked away from him, flustered.

He's taking this whole "fake dating" thing to a new level.

𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑? | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now