✦ { Nir } No Pills

38 5 1

Reviewer: nkvenus7878

Client: s00gifted

Cover Page: 5/5

The cover page of the book truly resonates with the story and its overall atmosphere. With the usage of the right fonts and colour theme, it's next to perfect!

Title: 4/5

The title "No Pills'' very much corresponds with the actual events of the story. Although it gives less idea about the story in general at a first glance, but it does match with the concept and happenings of the story.

Blurb: 3.5/5

The blurb, much like the title and cover page is a very essential part of any story that gives the first imagine of what's going to happen in the book.

In "No Pills" the blurb is elegantly written and describes the main event and characters of the story, however, it is important to slightly describe most of the major events occuring in the book. This will give a good idea to the readers about the storyline of the book.

Character: 9/10

The characters are the main essence of any story. The characters in "No Pills" have been eloquently described, their pains, sorrows, personality and appearance have been well mentioned. A very good work has been done in building up the side characters as well!

Vocabulary: 4.3/5

The usage of words has been done with absolute precision and the book has a vast and impressive vocabulary. However, there might be some typing errors or just some normal mistakes here and there that may require slight editing, but otherwise the book has a wonderful usage of words!

Grammar: 3.7/5

There seem to be quite many grammatical errors. Whether they're punctuation marks, tense errors, paragraph division or anything more, there are several grammatical errors. It is suggested to do some amount of editing to make it better.

Enjoyment: 4.8/5

The storyline is truly engaging and makes the readers indulge into it with ease. There might be some scenes that may be a little complicated at first to understand but thanks to the fabulous description, that has been taken care of as well!

Plot: 9/10

This is the main core of any book and it's really satisfying that the plotting of the story has been done amazingly. Whether it's the occurrence of events, the pace of happenings, the ups and downs for characters or the bittersweet cliffhangers at the end of the chapters, the author has truly made the story clearly understandable and enjoyable. Some scenes may get a bit confusing, but overall, it's an outstanding work!

🎉 Total: 43.3/50

🎉 Percent: 86.6%

🎉 Overall Review:

Ultimately, there's not much to say on this. The storyline is unique and easily indulges the readers into the tale. Whether it's the wonderful and unique characters, the cliffhangers or amazing plot twists, the story is surely engaging for all kinds of readers.

All it may require is slight editing due to some grammatical errors around the book. As well as reframe some of the paragraphs since they can get a bit complicated and not easily understood.

Whatsoever, it is a truly enjoyable book and one that everyone must read! Truly appreciate the hard work and time which went into writing the intricate details and vast descriptions as well as the unique storyline!

I hope that the above review is helpful. Kindly note that I DO NOT hold any grudge against you and this review is my honest opinion. Hope it is satisfactory!!

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