✦ { Kailyn } Hiroshima's Children

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Reviewer: Kailucy

Client: screaminginagony

Cover: 8/10

The black-and-white color scheme was a great choice. The image fits the genre. The font for ‘Hiroshima’ is great, but I feel ‘Agony’ should also be written in black. The white letters seem out of place.

Title: 10/10

The title fits the genre and plot. It’s simple and easy to recall. As soon as you requested a review I was excited to see what it would be about.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb is alright. It gives insight into the plot. It would improve a bit if you added a little more, like maybe introducing a character and a unique dilemma they’ll face. It’s completely optional but it could attract more readers if they knew exactly what they were getting into.

Characters/character development: 8/10

So far there isn’t much to judge the characters on. However, they are interesting enough for me to want to read more of their stories. I can see a few different ways they could develop and I can’t wait to see where they will go.

Plot: 19/20

The plot is engaging and I like that you’re building it up. The details are well done and I feel like you’re handling this topic very well. The first chapter did a marvelous job at setting everything up, the descriptions were well placed, and the prose flows naturally.

Writing style: 19/20

I’m really enjoying your writing style. I mentioned it a little in Plot, but the descriptions and prose really do make this story great. It’s so easy to place yourself with the characters and feel for them .I’ve been taking a break from historical fiction because lately I’ve been struggling to find a decently written one that I haven't read. That being said, if you ever publish this, please let me know so I can buy.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

There weren’t many mistakes. I do think in chapter two taking out “agitatedly” in the first sentence would improve it. It’s not incorrect but it would just read better without it. The sentence itself has enough descriptive language that the reader can gather that Kana is agitated.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I enjoyed this a lot. I was excited for it and it didn’t disappoint.

Overall: 92/100

Overall, you have the start of a great story. The characters could use a little more development but as long as it happens over the course of the story you can ignore this. The plot is decently paced and the writing is compelling. Keep writing!!

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