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After another long day, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, and Chenle gathered at Jisung's house to delve deeper into Jaemin's dreams. They knew that Jaemin's visions held the key to understanding the looming threat, and they were determined to uncover any clues that might help them prepare.

Jisung laid the ancient book on the table, its worn pages filled with cryptic symbols and archaic text. ❝We've got to figure out what Jaemin's dreams are trying to tell us. The more we understand, the better we can protect him and ourselves.❞

Chenle nodded in agreement. ❝The book mentioned 'the one' who could see the future. We need to find any references that match Jaemin's descriptions of his dreams.❞

They began to cross-reference Jaemin's detailed accounts of his nightmares with the passages in the book. Hours passed as they meticulously examined the text, searching for patterns and connections.

Jeno was the first to find something. ❝Hey, check this out.❞ He pointed to a passage that described a seer experiencing dreams of shadowy figures and an overwhelming sense of danger. ❝This sounds a lot like what Jaemin has been seeing.❞

Mark leaned in, his brow furrowing as he read the passage. ❝It says here that these dreams are not just warnings-they're a call to action. The seer must lead their allies to confront the darkness.❞

Jisung flipped a few pages ahead, finding another relevant section. ❝This part mentions that the darkness Jaemin has been dreaming about is a malevolent force that seeks to disrupt the balance between our world and the human world. The seer is the key to stopping it.❞

Chenle's eyes widened as he read further. ❝There's more. It says that the seer will be able to see the future more clearly as the threat grows closer. Their dreams will become more frequent and more vivid.❞

Mark's mind raced with the implications. ❝If Jaemin's dreams are becoming more vivid, it means the threat is imminent. We need to be ready.❞

Jeno nodded, his expression serious. ❝We should start training and preparing for whatever is coming. We can't afford to be caught off guard.

Jisung agreed. ❝And we need to help Jaemin understand his role in this. If he's the seer, he'll need to learn how to interpret his dreams and guide us.

Chenle flipped through the book one last time, his eyes catching on a final passage. ❝Wait, there's something else. It says that the seer isn't just a passive observer. They have the ability to influence events and change the course of the future.❞

Mark's heart pounded with a mixture of hope and fear. ❝That means Jaemin has more power than we thought. But it also means he's in more danger.

They spent the rest of the evening formulating a plan. They would train together, strengthen their defenses, and work closely with Jaemin to help him harness his abilities. They knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they were determined to face them together.

As they wrapped up their meeting, Mark couldn't help but feel a deep sense of responsibility. He was determined to protect Jaemin, no matter the cost. And with their friends by their side, he knew they stood a fighting chance against the darkness that threatened their world.

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