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The next morning, Jaemin was walking through the bustling university courtyard when he saw Donghyuck and Renjun standing off to the side, their faces etched with confusion. Curious, he approached them.

Hey, what's up? You both look dead,❞ Jaemin said, trying to lighten the mood.

Renjun glanced at Donghyuck before rolling up his sleeve. ❝We're not dead yet but it's definitely close. Look at this.❞

Jaemin's eyes widened as he saw a faint, intricate tattoo that had appeared on Renjun's forearm. Donghyuck, too, revealed a similar mark on his own arm.

What the... When did these appear?❞ Jaemin asked, his mind racing.

Just this morning,❞ Donghyuck replied. ❝We don't remember getting them, and they definitely weren't there last night.❞

Jaemin's first thought was to gather everyone else. ❝We need to show this to the others. Maybe they know something.❞

They quickly found Mark, Jeno, Jisung, and Chenle and explained the situation. The group examined the tattoos, each as baffled as the next.

❝This can't be a coincidence,❞ Mark said, his eyes narrowing. ❝There has to be a reason for this.❞

Chenle's eyes lit up with a sudden thought. ❝Do you think this has something to do with Jaemin? His dreams, the prophecies... Maybe there's a connection.❞

Jisung nodded. ❝We need to check the ancient books again. There might be something about these tattoos.

They hurried to Jisung's house and spread out the ancient tomes, searching for any reference to mysterious marks or tattoos. Hours passed as they pored over the texts, determined to find answers.

Finally, Chenle's voice broke the silence. ❝I think I found something.❞

Everyone gathered around as Chenle read aloud from an old, weathered page. ❝It says here that the seer, 'the one' who can foresee the future, is often accompanied by two disciples. These disciples are marked by special tattoos that signify their bond and their role in assisting the seer.❞

Jaemin's eyes widened. ❝So, Donghyuck and Renjun are my disciples?❞

Mark nodded thoughtfully. ❝It makes sense. You have prophetic dreams, and now these marks have appeared on them. They're connected to you, Jaemin. This might explain why they were drawn to us and why they're so important in this fight.❞

Renjun looked at his tattoo, a mixture of awe and apprehension on his face. ❝So, what does this mean for us?❞

Jeno, who had been reading further into the text, spoke up. ❝It means you two have a special role in helping Jaemin interpret his dreams and guide us through the coming challenges. The book says that the disciples have abilities that can complement the seer's visions.❞

Donghyuck's eyes widened. ❝Abilities? What kind of abilities?❞

Jisung continued reading. ❝The text isn't very specific, but it mentions heightened senses, protective instincts, and sometimes even the ability to amplify the seer's power.❞

Jaemin felt a surge of responsibility and gratitude. ❝I don't know how to thank you both. This is a lot to take in.❞

Renjun smiled, albeit a bit nervously. ❝We're in this together, Jaemin. Whatever it takes.❞

Donghyuck nodded, determination in his eyes. ❝Yeah, we'll figure this out. We're not backing down.

The group spent the rest of the evening discussing their next steps. They knew that with Donghyuck and Renjun now marked as disciples, they had a stronger chance of understanding and combating the threat looming over them.

As night fell, they decided to take a break, agreeing to meet again the next day. Jaemin, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, Chenle, Donghyuck, and Renjun all felt a renewed sense of purpose, their bond growing even stronger.

Jaemin lay in bed that night, thinking about the day's revelations. His friends had always been his strength, and now, with their roles more defined, he felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. He knew they had a long road ahead, but together, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

The next morning, they reconvened with a sense of determination. They had a plan, and they were ready to put it into action. With Jaemin's dreams as their guide, and the strength of their friendship as their foundation, they set out to prepare for the battles that lay ahead.

And as they trained, researched, and supported each other, they couldn't help but feel that their bond was not just a coincidence, but a destiny they were meant to fulfill together.

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