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Engfa's POV:

February, 2020.

I woke up at the booming sound of my alarm reverberating in the silence of my room. I grunted as I tried to muffle the sound by putting my pillow above my head, but it was pointless.

I grumbled as I tried to search for my phone somewhere in the bedside table without opening my eyes.

"Damn it," I cursed as I failed to find it with just my hands.

I slowly opened my eyes, having a hard time adjusting with the offensive sunlight peeking through the curtains of my window.

Finally, I have managed to find my phone, which was resting on the edge of the bedside table. I quickly turned off the alarm, and let myself lay at my bed once again. I sighed as I remember what day it is today.

I felt a pang of sadness and longing flowed through the entirety of my being as I realized that today's my birthday. And this will be the first time I will celebrate it away from my friends and my sister.

A sense of emptiness filled my being as I dwell on the fact that I was away with my home as I celebrate my birthday. I wasn't able to come home since we will be meeting Nawat today.

I sighed. "I miss them," I muttered to myself.

I wonder if Charlotte ever felt this kind of emptiness and longing the first time she came to live away from her home. I scoffed as the thought crossed my mind. That's impossible. She seemed fine the last time I saw her. Good for her.

I sat up, scratching my eyes to shake any remnants of sleep in my eyes. Today is a new day to be cherished.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower as I get ready to start my day.

I opened my phone for the first time only to be greeted with multiple text messages from my friends, mostly from my loved ones in Camden. I smiled upon seeing their names in my inbox.

Before I went outside my apartment, I took my time to read each of their greetings with a smile on my face. Tina, Chompu, my sister Plaifa, Diana, and some of my college friends had sent me their warm greetings. My heart was feeling happy and content as I read their greetings.

I replied each of them a simple thank you before I headed out to start my day.


I entered a coffee shop near my apartment to meet up with Freen. I immediately saw her in our usual table, and immediately went to her.

"Good morning," I greeted her with a smile. She looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile.

"Seems like the birthday girl had a really good morning today." she smiled as she took up my vibrant aura, "Happy birthday, Mook." she greeted.

"Thank you."

"What do you want? It's on me since it's your birthday today."

"Oh, I wouldn't refuse to a free coffee. Just my usual black one, no sugar."

"Bitter," she joked as she waved for a waiter to give my order. As the waiter disappeared, she looked at me with something in her eyes. Hesitation? Uncertainty? I couldn't name it.

"What is it, Freen?" I inquired, my eyes were on her.

"Well, is it okay if I ask you for advice?" she asked shyly as she averted my gaze and went to fiddle with the hem of her sweatshirt.

"Shoot," I said as I leaned back on my chair.


"Freen!" a voice from behind me had erupted, which interrupted Freen from talking. It was from a woman's, probably younger than we were. I turned around to see a beautiful, yet short woman smiling at our direction. She has brown eyes and hair wavy hair cascading through her shoulder. She was smiling wide with her naturally pinkish lips.

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