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She stayed the same, all of me changed like midnight.


Engfa's POV:

I stirred as I felt myself regain slowly my consciousness. And for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt relaxed and well rested.

As I rolled onto my back, my arms instinctively fell to my sides, and a sudden feeling of unease washed over me. My eyes, which had been closed until that moment, snapped open, scanning the left side of my bed.


Panic prickled at the edges of my consciousness as I glanced at the other bed across the room.

Also empty.

The dim light filtering through the curtains hinted at the early hour, the sun not yet fully risen. Where could Charlotte be at this hour? My heart quickened its pace as I sat up, casting anxious glances around the room. Did she leave in the middle of the night?

Since I know my questions wouldn't get an answer if I didn't do anything, I decided to take a morning run around the villa, a discreet attempt to look for Charlotte outside. I quickly put on a complexion shirt, a running shorts and my rubber shoes. I pulled up my hair into a pony tail, then went outside.

It was barely 6 in the morning, and the clouds were still gray. I started running in a medium pace while my eyes lowkey wandering around in search for the familiar figure of Charlotte.

After two hours of jogging, Charlotte was nowhere to be seen. I didn't even get a glance of her shadow all around the villa. Disheartened, I decided to head back to our room for a quick shower before meeting up with my friends. Perhaps I'd have better luck finding her there.

I entered the room without knocking, only to be greeted by a startled shriek from Charlotte, who stood completely naked in front of the vanity mirror, her hair wrapped in a towel. My eyes widened, and embarrassment flooded my cheeks as I quickly averted my gaze.

"Sorry! I didn't realize you were here," I stammered out, feeling the awkwardness hang heavy in the air.

Charlotte remained silent, the sound of her movements filling the room.

"It's okay, I'm dressed now," she eventually spoke, breaking the tension. Slowly, I dared to look at her. She was now clad in a white robe.

Though I'd seen her naked before, the moment felt different now.

"Sorry," I apologized once more, attempting to alleviate the uncomfortable silence that enveloped us. Then, breaking the uneasy silence, I blurted out, "Why didn't you lock the door?"

"I thought you weren't coming back until later," Charlotte reasoned in response.

I looked at her, the occurings from last night suddenly flashed to my mind. My eyes, I know they were laced with concern by now as I looked at her, then I saw her shifted in her feet.

"Charlotte -"

"Can we keep what had happened last night just between us two?" she whispered, her head bowing down as she spoke.

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