SLT Groups

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That night I slept at Ant's house, i know I don't deserve his forgiveness but I can't help but feel grateful. I watch as he sleeps: his soft breath blowing on my skin. I can't help but feel safe in his arms. He provides, well provided me with a different type of comfort, definitely not something Spider could give me. As my eyes slowly closed I pictured my life with Ant, going to uni together then both going into business because we need a job, moving into together because rents are too expensive. It all just seems so perfect. The next morning we both got up and I used my emergency stash of clothes that I had left at his house and we got ready for school. We don't talk much, mostly just casually glancing over at each other then looking away. We walk into school and our first period is SLTS where we have our group projects due he did his with Spider, that's going to be awkward.

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