truffle pizza

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Waves of people, slamming
into cliffs of banal, corny
way of living ; tides of a fervour
spirit affecting , it's waning.
Stances of persona, staged into
quintessential, lavish parties ;
luminous tavel rosè, glossy rubies.
Flaunting riches, greed , grievances
at a price, picturesque of perfections;
With , rotten insides!
The ball of pretentious elegance,
exuding their inner psyche.
Some waltzing, perfect footworks
others cheering, the spurious smiles.
I in all, held my glass of indifference ,
Swirling between strained
greetings, and rueful deceptions..
Out of myself, foolishly enough ;
with dainty ,pensive citations.

----Grand cupcakes , rich truffle pizzas ,
oyster-caviar, golden honey ;
Dripping off expensive existence,
nibbling on the extravagance penny.
resistant to such , utter distaste,
playing the sidelines.
Standing by the grandeur window,
brought me views of the bustling lines.
Little glitters of tiny bulbs ,lined strings of people eager for their turns ! .
Delicate smiles , delightful laughters,
shared between those exhausted clusters.
Glazed cordials, hearty stories.
------ I bet! .
those greasy tacos taste better ;
than Michelin star's, tumbling monies.

Chuckling at myself, I took sips
of tavel rosè. And, bits of truffle .
Tied to such obscene traces, I was
a lost hustle.


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