Chapter 10: Royal Showdown

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As the soft knocking persisted on the door of the empty unit, Aadvika and Ian exchanged worried glances. A sense of dread hung heavy in the air, accentuated by the strange, otherworldly sounds filtering through the walls. Aadvika instinctively reached for the door handle, eager to offer help to whoever was outside.

But Ian's hand shot out to stop her, his eyes wide with fear. "Don't," he mouthed silently, his gaze fixed on the door.

Aadvika froze, her heart pounding erratically. "Why not?" she whispered, barely audible over the eerie sounds encircling them.

Ian shook his head, barely daring to breathe. "It's not human," he whispered back, his tone filled with a mixture of urgency and caution.

The knocking continued, growing more insistent as if the unseen visitor knew they were inside. Aadvika felt a shiver run down her spine, her mind racing with thoughts of the starfish-shaped aliens lurking just outside. She knew she had to trust Ian's instincts; after all, he had been right about the danger lurking beyond their hideout before.

With a silent nod, Aadvika backed away from the door, her pulse thrumming with a mix of fear and curiosity. The knocking suddenly ceased, leaving a heavy silence in its wake. The two companions held their breath, waiting for the next move.

Just then, a voice, ethereal and haunting, filtered through the door. "Please, help me. I know you're inside. Open the door."

Aadvika's heart skipped a beat, a chill running down her spine at the unnatural quality of the voice. Ian gripped her arm tightly, his eyes signalling for them to remain silent.

"We can't stay here," Aadvika whispered, her voice quivering with fear. "What if that thing comes in?"

Ian glanced around, his mind working frantically to come up with a plan. "We have to find another way out," he murmured. "But we need to stay hidden until we figure out what we're dealing with."

As they cautiously made their way through the darkened unit, a sudden realization dawned on Aadvika. "We're not the only ones in danger," she whispered, her eyes wide with understanding.

Ian nodded grimly, his jaw set in determination. "Whatever those things are, we have to find a way to stop them before they harm anyone else."

The mystery deepened as they navigated the eerie confines of the unit, each shadow holding a potential threat. The voice at the door continued to plead for help, its desperation sending chills down their spines.

With their backs against the wall and an alien menace closing in, Aadvika and Ian knew that they were in for a fight unlike any other. As they braced themselves for what lay ahead, the true nature of the mystery surrounding them began to unravel, revealing secrets darker and more sinister than they could have ever imagined. 

Ian's heart raced as he pressed his ear against the wardrobe door, trying to muffle the sound of his breathing. The knocking on the front door grew louder, more insistent, almost desperate. Aadvika's wide eyes met his, silently questioning the alien presence outside.

"Can they change their forms into humans?" Aadvika whispered, her voice barely audible in the tense air of the room.

Ian shook his head, his mind racing with thoughts of the strange beings that had invaded their peaceful neighbourhood. The reports had been flooding in for weeks - mysterious disappearances, strange lights in the sky, and now, these relentless knockings on their doors.

"We don't know," Ian replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But we can't take any chances."

Aadvika nodded, her hand trembling slightly in his grasp. They waited in silence as the knocking finally ceased, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to settle over the entire unit. Ian dared to crack open the wardrobe door, peering out cautiously into the dimly lit room.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway, growing louder with each passing moment. Ian's heart clenched in fear as he realized the alien was inside the unit, searching for them. Without hesitation, he pulled Aadvika out of the wardrobe, their only escape route now compromised.

They crouched behind the sofa, trying to blend into the shadows as the alien moved closer. Its footsteps were slow, deliberate as if it was savouring the hunt. Ian's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan, a way to outwit their otherworldly pursuer.

Aadvika's hand slipped into his, her touch grounding him amid the chaos. "We have to fight back," she whispered, determination shining in her eyes.

As Ian's chemical gun emitted a bright blast of light, the alien let out a piercing screech and collapsed to the ground in a heap of twisted limbs. Aadvika peeked out from behind the couch, her eyes wide with fear and admiration for Ian's bravery. The room was dimly lit, illuminated only by the flickering lights of the spaceship they were on.

Ian turned to Aadvika, his expression grim and determined. "We need to find a way to get out of here before more of these creatures show up. Follow me," he whispered, extending a hand to help her up. Aadvika nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she followed Ian through the corridors of the alien ship.

As they crept through the dimly lit halls, the air around them hummed with otherworldly energy, sending shivers down their spines. They could hear strange, guttural noises echoing in the distance, signalling the presence of more aliens lurking nearby.

Suddenly, a group of aliens emerged from a side corridor, their eyes gleaming with malice. Ian's grip tightened on his gun as he prepared to defend Aadvika once again. But before he could react, a voice boomed through the corridor, freezing everyone in their tracks.

"Stop!" The command came from a figure cloaked in shadows at the end of the hallway. 

Ian urgently gestured for Aadvika to crouch down behind the couch, his eyes fixed on the mysterious figure draped in a cloak. As the figure drew closer, Ian's heart pounded - it was none other than the queen herself!

"We demand the girl, Ian. We will depart your world once we have her," the queen declared in her guttural voice.


🌟Remember to stay tuned for the next chapter to find out what happens next!

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