Older Sister and Little Sister

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And here's the last sibling bonding chapter of Misty spending time with her big sister Dot! And she's got the whole day scheduled and they could have maximum time together. So please if don't mind, enjoy this chapter while you read it and weep.

It's was the peaceful morning at Warner Bros. studios the sun was just slowly rising peeking out from the horizon as it shone over the studio lot. Where Inside the water tower, Dot was sleeping peacefully and snoring nosily on her bottom bunk of the triple bunk bed, as she a green mud mask on her face with cucumber slices on her eyes and rollers, in her hair. While Misty snoozing quietly in her crib wearing a purple baby sleeping mask as she sucked on her pacifier while clutching her brown bunny. As the alarm clock went off at 6:00 AM as it rings! As Dot karate chopped it, as she got up stretched her arms and yawned as the cucumbers fell off her eyes as she blinks them open before getting out of her bed, and walked toward Misty's crib as she got up and yawned too and took off her purple sleeping mask while holding her brown bunny, as Dot picked her up and rocked her baby sister in her arms. "Good morning sunshine! It's a beautiful day! is it?!" Dot asked as Misty smiled as she giggled as she squeezed her big sister's nose making a honking sound. "Yakko and Wakko are away at a big ping-pong tournament in Beverly Hills! Which means we're gonna spend the whole day together!" Misty cheered and clapped her hands. Dot hurries over to the changing station to get Misty ready! "And i got the whole day planned just as usual!" she changes Misty from her light purple baby onesie pajamas into her light pink turtleneck sweater and blue overalls, before she goes behind a changing wall changing out from her pink nightgown and putting on her pink skirt as she comes out before heading to the bathroom as she walks over to the sink turns on the water and rinses the mud mask off her face before drying it off with a towel and heads to her vanity table and sits down and takes the rollers out of her hair, before brushing it as she takes her orange hair elastic tying up her ears before adding her flower as she applies makeup, and spraying perfume on herself last.

"You ready for the whole day to ourselves, little sis?" Dot asked Misty. "Yeah!" responded Misty "Dr. Scratchansniff will be there any minute." Dot said enthusiastically til' a car was heard honking outside! "That must be him now!" she picked up Misty as she grabbed her diaper bag before heading out the door. Dr. Scratchansniff was parked outside in his car waiting for the two Warner sisters as they finally show up, "Hurry up girls! Time is vasting!" he said, Dot opened the car door and puts Misty in her car seat on the right and buckles her up and puts her diaper bag in the middle as she sits down on her seat on the left and buckled herself up. Before Scratchansniff started the car and drove off, "Now Misty," Dot began "I've made a schedule that shows all the things we need to do!" she showed a schedule with all the things planned out to do with her baby sister. "So, girls vhere do you vant to go first?" asked Dr. Scratchansniff. "The mall!" shouted Dot. An hour later Dr. Scratchansniff parked the car in a mall parking lot as Dot and Misty got out the car before Dot shuts the door behind her, "Good luck on your day out girls! I'll be vaiting for you in ze car." called out Dr. Scratchansniff as he waves "Come on Misty, we got some shopping to do!" Dot grabbed her baby sister by the hand as they enter quickly to the mall.

By the time they got inside the mall Dot picked out some clothes, hats, shoes, and jewelry for her and Misty to wear before heading to the changing rooms before their revealing outfits to each other, Dot's outfit was a light teal sundress with brown matching high heels, with a heart shaped necklace and two golden bracelets on each wrist and flower earrings, and a big straw sun hat with a pink ribbon wrapped around it in a bow with a big sunflower in the middle. Misty's outfit was a light rose blush overall dress with a white shirt underneath, with matching sandals and a colored bead necklace, and a small straw pork pie fedora hat with a lavender ribbon wrapped with a bow in the middle. As Dot took out her phone and took a selfie with her baby sister, when they're done with their shopping trip Dot and Misty hopped into the car with their shopping as Dr. Scratchansniff started the car before driving off "Vhere to next, ladies?" he asked. Misty looked at her stomach as it rumbled as she looks at her older sister while rubbing her stomach and licking her lips, "I agree Misty, lunch sounds good to me!" agreed Dot. "Not to vorry girls." assured the psychiatrist "I know a good place for you two to have lunch!" Scratchansniff pulled up to a nearby cafe. As Dot and Misty came in the cafe for lunch. She got a table and sat down and even got a high chair for her baby sister "Isn't it fun Misty? Just the two of us spending the whole day together with no stinky brothers, don't you agree?" Misty wasn't paying a attention she was busy playing with her kitty cat stuffy as she cuddled it, by the time their food came to their table, it was blueberry scones and tea! Dot ate a scone and gave one to Misty for her to share while she drinks her tea and Misty had her sippy cup filled with tea and she drank it. By the time they finished their meal Dot picked up Misty and headed outside to the car not before giving the waiter $5 as he just stares blankly, "Girls," Dr. Scratchansniff said as he drove the car "i just remembered, the staff is having an important meeting at the Warners Bros. office today! And, i vant to be there on time. So i have to drop you two off somevhere! So, vhere you do vant to go next?" he asked, "The beach!" the Warner sisters shouted, "Okay then." repiled the psychiatrist. Dr. Scratchansniff pulled over to a nearby beach, "Good thing i have this." Dot pulled out the beach bag filled with beach towels, an umbrella, sunscreen, sunglasses, and and books and magazines for her to read and a red pail and green spade for her sister to play with as Misty clapped her hands excited.

Dot gets out of the car while holding Misty in one arm and the beach bag in the other "Zee you later girls, i'll pick you up when ze meeting is over!" Dr. Scratchansniff drove off, "Bye bye!" Misty waved "Come on Misty, let's go get changed!" Dot said as she takes her baby sister to the washrooms to get changed. As Dot and Misty got in, they change into their swimsuits, Dot's swimsuit is pink with a light pink tutu and Misty's is a lavender one piece baby swimsuit Dot held Misty by her hand and they headed towards the beach as they run towards the water and splashed into it the perfect level of water for Misty. And she splashed her older sister before she splashed her back, before they knew it they're having a great time by the water, then the girls decided to sit in the shade as they head inside the umbrella, "Phew! i'm pretty heated up, how about some ice cream to cool us down, Misty?" said Dot as she wiped the sweat off her forehead, Misty nodded her head in a "yes" manner as she wipes the sweat off her forehead too "Okay then, let's go!" Dot took her baby sister by the hand and walked towards an ice cream stand as Dot used her tippy toes to get high enough, "Excuse me, can we get two ice cream cones please?" she asked as she puts money on the counter. The ice cream valor nodded as he scooped two scoops of ice creams one mint chip and one strawberry putting one on each cone as he gives the two Warner girls their ice cream cones "Thank you!" exclaims Dot as she and Misty head back to the shade and sat back down on a beach towel and enjoy their ice cream.

A little while later, Dot was reading in the shade with her sunglasses on and Misty was building a sand castle and soon after as Dr. Scratchansniff pulled up at the beach and honked the car horn, as Dot perked up and saw him in the car as he was back from the meeting, "Oh!" she exclaimed "Scratchy's here! Come one Misty let's change back into our clothes, i've got a special surprise for you!" Misty laughs as she claps her hands excitedly as her big sister pick her up to get themselves changed! Later that evening, Dr. Scratchansniff pulled up in front of a fancy restaurant and the Warner sisters got out the car and Dot was wearing a dark pink dress and heels has on a necklace, earrings and long fancy gloves and a tiara on her head. And Misty is wearing a little magenta-pinkish long sleeve dress with roses in the middle while the skirt part is light pink and she has little mittens on her hands, and two blue flowers holding her ears. As soon as they got inside there's a table with for Dot to sit at and a highchair for Misty as a spot was reversed for them as they sat down as a waiter came up to them, "And, what can i get you ladies?" he asked as he holds up a notepad and pencil. "I'll have the steak please!" said Dot "She'll have a plate of mac n cheese." she pointed to her baby sister in her highchair "Very well ladies." the waiter took their orders and then left. A while later the waiter set their orders on the table as the girls dig in. Dot is eating her steak and Misty was eating her mac n cheese as she got it all over her face as Dot got out a cloth and wiped her face, after dinner they had dessert. 

The girls were exhausted from their big day out and it was time for time to head home as Dot helped Misty out of her highchair as she carries her to the car as they got in Dot buckled Misty into her car seat while she slept and got into her seat as Dr. Scratchansniff started the car and began to drive them home as Dot soon fell asleep as he smiled at the two girls dozing together. Later on night falls and Dr. Scratchansniff stopped at the water tower as Dot helped Misty out of her car seat while she's still fast asleep, she thanked the psychiatrist and waved good bye as she heads back up to the water tower and opened the door heading inside while she cradled her in her arms. "Today's has been a great day today, huh baby sis?" she asked her baby sister "Mhm." responded Misty as she nodded her head sleepily as she yawned. "Awww. You must be tired after your big day huh?" Dot let out a big yawn "i'm pretty beat too. It's been a fun day baby sis. Let's get some sleep, we need our beauty rest for tomorrow, and pretty soon, Yakko and Wakko will be home." she took her baby sister to the changing station and changes her from her light pink turtleneck sweater and blue overalls into her light purple baby onesie pajamas and put her in her crib and put her pacifier in her mouth and soon fell asleep, and Dot went behind the changing wall changing out of her pink skirt and putting on her pink nightgown as she removes her flower before taking out her orange elastic and puts her rollers in her hair as she made it to her bed pulling the covers over herself and soon started to fall asleep, Dot and Misty had a wonderful time together, and now they can't wait for their brothers at home tomorrow.

And there you have it, the last sibling bonding chapter of Dot spending time with her sister Misty and i hope you love the chapter and i'll see you tomorrow.

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