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*It was morning, as the sun rises slowly coming up brightening the movie lot until a loud scream was heard, scaring away the birds, but it turns out it was Wakko who was screaming at the top of his lungs, causing of his siblings to wake up.*

Misty: *wakes up and comes up from her crib as she rubs her tired eye while holding her bunny and saw Wakko screaming while running around the room then she looked up at Dot who is sleeping peacefully in her bed as she flings her bunny and throws it at Dot's head*

Dot: *wince* Ow! *sits up in her bed as she looks down at Wakko who is still screaming and running around and out of nowhere as he falls face first on the floor then starts screaming again as he rolls onto the floor but she couldn't bear it anymore as she bangs on the bottom of her bunk*

Yakko: *sprang up from his ball pit with a tired and confused expression on his face*

*Wakko was screaming non stop as he rolls, around like a ball until he came back on his knees, as Dot, Yakko, and Misty pop behind the couch.*

Dot: Wakko! Stop screaming!

*Misty was covering her ears as she slides onto the couch and crawls behind the cushions reaching inside and pulls out a TV remote as she points it at Wakko and turns down the volume of his voice as his eyes were like green bars going down to zero, and he was now silent. But started to say something from his mouth but Yakko, Dot, and Misty didn't understand him as they were sitting on the couch.*

Misty: *confused* Huh? *raises an eyebrow*

Dot: W-what did he say? Misty, turn it back up.

Misty: *pushes a random button but accidentally hits the Spanish/SAP button*

Wakko: *Spanish* Alguien se comio mis donas!

Dot: Oooh! Should we do the rest of this episode in Spanish?

Yakko: No, my accent is muy terri-blegh. Okay, Misty press the English button on the remote so we can hear Wakko more clearly so we can understand him please.

Misty: *pushes the English button on the remote to change Wakko back to normal*

Wakko: Somebody ate my donuts! *holds out an empty donut box*

Yakko: *takes a closer look inside as puts his finger in the box as he tastes an icing flavor* Maple bacon, *tastes another flavor* Tarragon fried chicken caramel, Goat cheese, *puts his whole hand in his mouth and pulls it out* just a soupcon of mustache cream....oh no. Wakko! *grabs his younger brother's face* Were these designer donuts?!

Wakko: *nods his head* Someone must've snuck in while i was asleep, and eaten them!

Misty: *gasps dramatically as puts her face on her face with a shocked look* Oh no!

Dot: Step back boys, *scene switches to her and Misty wearing lab coats and safety goggles with caution tape around the room and caution tape in her hands* this is an active crime scene!

Misty: *uses the caution tape as a rope and lassos Wakko as he was tied up while he stands on one foot as she keeps him still to keep his balance to prevent him from falling*

 Dot: Now, to look for forensic evidence. Yakko, turn on the black light.

*Yakko salutes as he flips the switch as the black light turns on, and there were people with glowsticks dancing to party music and the light turns back on to normal.*

Dot: Nothing unusual there. *walks up to the rug where the box is as she examines it* Mmmm.... *picks up a crumb with tweezers* Okay, Misty and i isolated particulate matter from the crime scene, *Misty takes out a magnifying glass for her* and judging by the crumb spatter, i say these donuts were eaten in the last....8 to 12 hours.

Animaniacs: Ft. The 4th WarnerWhere stories live. Discover now