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Lisa's POV


"Have you ever wondered what it would feel like if we weren't all destined to suffer? How lighter it feels to not cry every night begging for someone to hear your silent cries for help?" He uttered beside me while he admires the sunset in front of us.

The beauty of the scenery along with the cold wind that's blowing goes well with his thoughts that are far deeper than I could've imagine.

The man who never even once talked about someone's death started asking for these questions even I have no answer to.

"I don't know. Maybe everything would be better? But then you won't have a challenge to make you stronger." I answered with what I thought.

"Do those challenges actually make you stronger? Or do they just teach you to act strong while your weak self becomes more and more broken up to the point that it can be sweeped away with the wind once it blows." He explained.

That was deep. It was something I never expected him to say.

"Why are you suddenly indulged within those topics?"


"Lisa? Yah, Lisa-ya!" I woke up to a loud voice along with an aggressive shaking of my body which was done by my so called best friend.

I rolled my eyes at him and went out of the car, realizing we have finally arrived at his grandma's house I refused to wait for him park his car and instantly went straight to their house.

"Auntie!!!" I shouted while walking around the house trying to look for her.

"Auntie?" Suddenly a manly voice came from behind that startled me once again.

"Can you not do that again?" I ask in which he responded with a smile.

He always thinks he can get away with everything by just smiling and charming his way out. Well, he isn't wrong but he isn't exactly right either.

Because, that trick would never catch up on me. I know Ken better than I know myself. It's honestly shocking that I know more about him than I know something about myself.

I guess it's from a fact that he's easy to ready, knowing him is as easy as counting 1-3. Though, I never really told him that he was easy to guess, that he was easy to read as a person who's quite private with his life and does not want anyone intervening with it.

"Auntie~" I called out again.

Ken came back from the garden and told me that he hasn't seen her there, we thought she was probably at the store buying products to sell at their mini store.

Ken's family is already rich, he was practically born with a golden spoon but his grandma who I call my auntie always prefers to be busy rather than stay at home and do nothing.

They tried to get her some hobbies but she said she specifically want a hobby that can help her earn money and that's why they ended up building her the mini store.

It's way easier for people to access here in the province and makes her so much profit given that her product prices and quite cheap. These mini store idea of theirs where inspired by the Philippines' "sari-sari store"

"Is the store open?" I ask Ken, he shook his head in return and sat down by the sofa.

"Let's just relax for now, she's probably at the market buying some products to sell. Allan is with her so she wouldn't need help." The grandson explained while resting at the couch.

I on the other hand can't relax not seeing Auntie greet us first hand once we arrive.

"Ken, let's go check. Please? I really can't relax not seeing Auntie." I told him

He sat up and look at me before letting out a sigh and standing up.

"Alright, but you got to treat me with ice cream after this."

Kensington's POV

"Alright, but you got to treat me with ice cream after this." I uttered at her.

Her face brightened up as soon as she heard me agreeing and started running towards the car. I shake my head at her childish acts and chuckled.

"Is the market far away from here?" She asks as she puts her seatbelt on.

"Not really, 15-20 minutes drive max." I answered.

She nodded and sat there in silence waiting for me to start driving which I gladly did.


Hey, Ken?" She called out.

I humned in response to her as I stay focused on the road. It took her a while before she continued what she was going to say.

"Are you okay now?" My eyes widened at her question as I slowly look back at her and stare.

"...yeah." I answered before turning the attention back towards the road.

I couldn't help but not be focused at what I was doing as the question this woman recently asked keeps repeating in my head.

'Are you okay now?'

'Are....you...okay now?'

As each word gets repeated my grip at the steering wheel tightens. The more it repeats the more it gets tighten causing my knuckles to redden.

I close my eyes for a brief moment and shake my head before pushing myself to focus on the road once again. With my grip still tight new words pop up on my head as if it were teasing me already.

'You'll never be normal, Ken.'

"Stop. I'm fine." I thought to myself

"Ken? Ken?? Are you okay?" Lisa's voice was barely noticed by my ears as it only listens to the words my mind is uttering.

'You will never be fine.'
My breathing gets heavy, my knuckles fully red and starts becoming painful, my chest tightens little by little and the road becomes blurred by each moment that passes.

"KEN!!!" All I heard were her last cries before a bright light covers my eyesight as I steer to the right and suddnely black out.

"Sir? Sir? Can you hear us?" A low yet clear voice keeps calling for me as they lightly tap my face.

"He's breathing! Get him to the ambulance!" One man that was positioned beside me ordered.

Barely keeping my eyes open, I felt them carry my body into the bed as I look around keeping my weak eyes open looking for Lisa.

There I saw her seated at the side walk being interviewed by some cops. As she roams her eyes and met mine, I slowly held my hand out reaching for her.

"Ken!" She screamed running towards me but was stopped by the authorities.

As they place me inside the ambulance, rescuers gather around as they close the doors still with Lisa being the last person I saw before I became unconscious once again.

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