Chapter 14

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I can't believe she's actually agreed to go to dinner with me, she looks absolutely breathtaking in that dress, I dash upstairs to change and put on a smart black suit and shirt and make my way back down she takes my hand and we head off out. While I was changing I googled where to take her as I want it to be somewhere nice but not too fancy as she is not into all that. I've picked out the perfect place and have managed to get a private area for us there. I need everything to go well tonight so we can get back to some sort of good place.


I have no clue where we are going, Nick just said he has a table booked somewhere for us. We get to the car and he opens my door for me which is sweet. I can see he is really trying to make an effort so the evening goes well. Neither of us know what to say, I think we are both nervous as technically this would be our first date assuming this is a date that is. "Thank you for coming to dinner" he says and holds my hand up and kisses it. "You were right about one thing, I do owe you some kind of explanation" "Wow. Can I hear that first part again" he says laughing "oh piss off" I say back and pretend to be annoyed "you're cute when you're pretending to be annoyed" I just look at him and he smiles back at me and my nerves seem to be just melting away. We arrive at the restaurant and Nick opens my door for me again and we head inside. They take us to a private area away from everyone else. He's really pulling out the stops, I see a massive bouquet of roses laying on the table, he walks over and grabs them and says "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman" "Wow Jonas, nice touch" he looks at me and laughs "nothing but the best for you babe" He pulls my chair out for me and we sit down, he orders some wine and they leave us to look at the menu. A little while later they come and take our order and then it's just us in the room. I know I have to explain somehow. So I start and just hope I can find the right words. "I'm sorry I just ran away, I was just so overwhelmed and swept up in everything, I always knew I wanted there to be an us but I hadn't planned on it happening so quickly and before I had made any decisions about moving because that's a big part of it, I don't want to live in a different country to my boyfriend! But I haven't made any decisions on that yet. Obviously there is then the other parts of it with how crazy and possessive your fans can get and the trolling and the hate. I've seen the comments they used to put on Priyanka's posts and things, I don't know how to deal with that and also with Priyanka still being in your life, she's always going to be in your life because of Malti Marie and whose to say you won't want to go back to her or is she going to be more of a priority than me because she's the mother of your child. Also why would you want to be with me, I'm just plain, boring and normal, I'm not famous or glamorous like Priyanka is so I don't understand what you would see in me. It was just all too much too soon and I couldn't deal with it all so it was easier to just run away" I am so embarrassed that I get up to leave and go outside for a minute "I need some air" but as I am walking past Nick he grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap and says "no you don't, you're not running from me again" then he kisses me and it was just an amazing kiss, it was so full of emotion and love. "I understand now why you ran, I had no idea you were feeling like that so let's address everything one by one" "can I go back to my seat at least" I ask him "nope, you are exactly where you need to be right now" "so I agree with you, I don't want to live in a different country to my girlfriend either so that's something you need to figure out but we will figure it out together! The fans, yes they can be a lot I get that, I won't say it gets easier to deal with but you do learn to cope with it somehow and if it gets to you too much then you need to tell me and again we will deal with it together. Priyanka will always be in my life because of Malti Marie and I have love for her as the mother of my child but not in any other way. Malti is my priority and you are my priority which is exactly why I flew over here to sort things out if you were not a priority I would not be here. As for your last point why would I want to be with you!! Are you insane, I think the question is more why wouldn't I want to be with you! You are far from boring, plain and normal as you put it. You're gorgeous, intelligent probably far too intelligent for me!! Ambitious, Sexy, hardworking, my family love you, especially the kids. I could literally go on all night and give you a thousand reasons why I would want to be with you" I am sat there on his lap tears in my eyes and I don't know what to say. Thankfully the food arrives so he has to let me go back to my seat. As we start eating he looks over at me "where are you? You're off in your own little world over there" "Just trying to process everything, I still need time Nick, we can't just rush into something" "I get that and I will do whatever you need just promise me you won't shut down on me again, it's only going to work if we talk to each other. Let's just spend time together and see how things go from there, no pressure, no labels, what do you think" Ok. We will give it a go but that means no funny business either ok??" He raises his eyebrows at me as if to say really and I just give him a look and he says "ok,ok I will behave"

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