Chapter 15

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I hope they are having a good night. I really want them to sort things out so she will move to LA. I know Nick is not her only hesitation it's a massive change for her to uproot her entire life from everything she's ever known. I understand that better than anyone because I did it to be with Joe. I did text her earlier asking how it was going but I didn't hear back so I am going to assume that no news is good news! Joe comes downstairs after putting the girls to bed and says "Have you heard anything? I texted Nick but nothing" "I texted Tracey but same no reply" "maybe they are otherwise occupied" he says laughing. We then hear the door open and it's Nick "where's Tracey?" I honestly thought she would either be with him or he wouldn't come back "She's gone home, we talked and things are better but she wants to take things slowly because she has a lot of things to figure out. We are just going to be friends for now and spend time together and see what happens" he tells us. "How do you feel about that then, bet you were hoping you would get laid tonight!" Joe asks him with a smirk on his face "I'm good with whatever she needs to do. If she needs to take it slow we will take it slow, I want to be with her so whatever it takes. I love her" "Wow! Who are you and what have you done with the real Nick Jonas" Joe laughs "oh fuck off" Nick says with a grin and then he heads off to bed.


The evening has been amazing and as much as I would love to go to sleep with Nick next to me I need to stick to what I've said and just be friends, he drops me home and gives me a peck on the lips goodnight, not really what friends do but I will let that one slide! I head into the house and I am so exhausted by now I head straight upstairs, as I get into bed I hear my phone and it's a text from Nick "Thank you for coming to dinner, I will give you as long as you need, I'm not going anywhere. I love you. Sweet dreams. Call me tomorrow xx" I smile when I see this and I see a text from Sophie and I send one back before I pass out "lunch tomorrow?" "Yep! Call me in the morning" she replies and with that I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I really don't want the night to end but I know what she said and I am not going to push it because I don't want to push her away. We leave the restaurant and get in the car and the drive home is silent but not an uncomfortable silence. We get to her house and I jump out to open her door and as she gets out I decide to be a little bit sneaky and I give her a kiss. She just looks at me and smiles and then heads into the house. I obviously wish I was going in with her. I pull out of her driveway and call Kevin while I'm on my way back to Sophie and Joe's. "Hey dude! How's it going?" "Yeah, it's going ok. Just on my way back from dinner with Tracey" "oh really! I thought Joe said you kinda caused a bit of a scene at her office earlier" "I did, but somehow the three of us convinced her to have dinner with me, we talked a lot about everything and things are good, just taking it day by day and see what happens" "That's good, if it's meant to be then it's meant to be" "Yes definitely and I am confident that we are meant to be" "Are you staying the whole time with Joe and Soph or heading back earlier?" "I dunno yet, will see how things go with Tracey" "Cool, keep me posted dude" "Will do, give the girls a hug from me, see ya Kev" and with that he's gone. I wonder why Tracey hasn't text back. I hope she's not having second thoughts about things, no! I need to stop overthinking it. She's probably just fell asleep it's been a hell of a day for her. I'm sure everything is fine. When I get in the house Sophie and Joe are surprised she's not with me and I tell them that we are just gonna be friends and then Joe makes some joke about me hoping to get laid tonight...I mean he's not wrong, I wish I was but I respect what she's said and I really don't want to fuck this up again. I crawl into bed and grab the pillow next to me and hug it thinking about going to sleep next to Tracey. One day she will be in my arms again as we go to sleep and once that happens I don't plan on ever letting her go!!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 21 ⏰

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Jealous (Nick Jonas fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang