Chapter 24

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Hades explains to Caroline how some things work in the underworld. Klaus is having a mental break down. I hope you guys like it 🥰

The first thing Caroline noticed when they stepped outside the castle was the darkness. There were six large rivers and she had been startled when her father had offered her his hand and helped her into an odd looking boat being ferried by a ghostly like figure.

"That is Charon." Her father said when he noticed her looking at him. "His job is to ferry the souls who have entered the Underworld across the river to their eternal resting place."

"Oh." She was not sure what else to say and the way the thing was looking at her was very eerie. "I read somewhere that you are supposed to pay him to be ferried across the river."

"He is supposed to be paid , but we do not pay him . I am the king and you are the princess. The underworld belongs to us." She nodded as she looked around , it would get some getting used to. "The underworld is very organized , nothing moves without me knowing."

She gave her father a curious look. "I guess me being a control freak comes from you."

He laughed, making Charon turn to look at him with what Caroline was sure was shock. "Yes, you can say that. But if the underworld falls into chaos then the world would be destroyed . I make sure things run smoothly."

The boat came to a stop and her father helped her off as they moved through a very strange looking place. The ground was covered in a very strange looking grass and strange, pallid, ghostly flowers. She had never seen anything like it and was not sure what to think of it . The people moving around the fields looked like specters. Some of them stood there, staring at nothing while others moved aimlessly.

"What is this place?"

"This is the Asphodel Meadows." Her father gestured with a hand. "Those are shades , they have no memories of their past lives or who they are."

She gave him a questioning look. "Why?"

"They drank from the river Lethe."

She had no idea what he was talking about , she wished Klaus were there, he would know. "The what?"

"Is the river of forgetfulness, taking its name from Lethe, the goddess of forgetfulness and oblivion."

"Why would they drink from there knowing what will happen?"

Her father shrugged. "These are the souls who lived mediocre lives. They were not evil, but not good either. It is better for them this way , they can't miss what they don't remember."

Caroline shook her head. "It seems unnecessarily cruel."

"It is necessary." Her father did not explain any longer as they continued to walk. He waved a hand and light flashed before Caroline found herself standing in a much different place from before. "The Elysium Fields."

"I have heard of this before." Unlike the place they had just come from, this one was filled with life. There were brilliant, colorful flowers and trees, glittering buildings and people laughing and enjoying themselves. "This is paradise."

"A version of it." Her father looked around. "This is the place the righteous, and the heroic live. They live a blessed and happy afterlife, and indulge in whatever they enjoyed in life ."

She could see why people would be happy. "Is beautiful."

"Your mother created a lot of the flowers that grow here." She heard the way his voice softened every time he mentioned her. "She loves colorful things."

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