Chapter 28

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Caroline gets some more help with her powers. Klaus and Caroline return home. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Caroline was still a bit apprehensive around her mother and knew that it would be a while before she got comfortable around her. Her feelings towards her mother were as complicated as her feelings about Liz. While she had time to process what had happened with Liz, she was still angry with Persephone. Things with Hades were easier, she got along with him much better, but that was because she wasn't as angry with him as she was with Persephone. While Caroline understood the reasons why her mother had made the decisions she made, it didn't mean her anger had gone away. She understood wanting your children to be happy, but she also felt abandoned and discarded. The situation was made harder by the fact she needed her mother's help to control her powers, so she couldn't hide from her.

"I think unlocking your powers will be the best way for you to control them." Caroline was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother's voice. "Once they are all unlocked it would be easier to learn to control them and a lot of it will be instinctive."

"Won't that be dangerous?" She had barely been able to control the ones she had now, and there were only two. "I could hurt someone."

"There will always be the risk of you hurting someone." Her mother's smile was reassuring. "Not even your father or I have full control of our powers when our emotions are hyped up. We have done some not very good things when angry or when hurt, and so has every other god. Your powers will always be connected with your emotions and sometimes they will act before you even realize that you are doing it."

"I don't like the thought of that."

"No one does." Her mother moved to sit beside her. "I heard how your powers were awakened. Klaus told us about how his brother threatened your son and you almost melted him from the inside out."

"That was not my proudest moment." She sighed and shook her head. "I should have known that Kol wouldn't hurt William."

"He did it with the intention that you would believe he would, so you shouldn't feel bad for reacting the way you did." Persephone stood up and extended her hand. "Come on, we will do this and then I will help you control some of your powers, your father will help with the others."

While Caroline was not too sure about the woman who was biologically her mother, she knew that in this instance she was right. The sooner she learned about her powers, the better it would be for everyone and the safer she would feel. She took her mother's hand, allowing the other woman to help her stand up, and took a deep breath before nodding her head. Her mother gave her a pleased look before laying a hand on her head and after a few seconds took a step back.

Caroline wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but it wasn't what she got. There was no explosion or sense of knowing all, she felt the same as before. Caroline took a step and gasped when she felt her heart beating. She looked at her mother with wide eyes as she pressed a hand against her chest. Her heart had been still for so long that now it was a bit surprising to feel it beating again, almost like a drum in her chest. Her skin felt warmer than it had been before, the same as when she was human.

"What is happening?" She shouldn't have been so surprised, she knew that in the future she would have children so it made sense that her body would work as it did before she became a vampire. "How is this possible?"

"Since your powers were dormant your body was tricked and that's why you died and became a vampire. But you are a goddess, so you really can't die, you were in a kind of limbo. Once your powers were unlocked your body came back to life, just like it was before."

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