chpt 6: the visons

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[thomas's pov]

I saw a familiar girl with h/l, h/c in my dreams and I suddenly reaslised it was y/n, she kept on saying my name repeatedly and telling me she loved me? Then another lady with a blonde bun in her hair told me that 'WCKD is good' and I kept on seeing children drowning, children I recognised.
And then another girl with black hair, telling me that everything was going to change.

I wake up in a panic to someone saying, "Thomas" to no surprise I see Alby and then his hand covering my mouth as they 'shh' me. "Follow me."

"It's peaceful isn't it, it may be hard to believe but it wasn't always this way. We had dark days, we lost a lot of boys to fear, to panic, but we have come far since then, established order and made peace." He explains to me.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask Alby, "Because you're not like the others, you're curious. But you're one of us now. You need to know what that means." He says handing me a knife, then pointing to a wall that was covered in names, some were crossed out.

"What happend to them?"

"Like i said... dark days, Thomas."

I look back to the wall, and see y/n's name engraved on it twice one was crossed out, and one wasn't.

"Hey why is y/n's name here twice?" I ask Alby, "Well, when she was stuck in the maze overnight, we knew she wouldn't make it out, 6 people were already trapped in there before her and they all ended up dying, so we already knew that she was gone. But to our surprise she wasn't and since we already crossed it out, she wrote it again." Alby explained.

"How did she make it out?"

"That's a question you'd have to ask her."

There was a free space underneath y/n's name that hadn't been crossed out, and childishly I put my name under neath, I don't know why but there's something about her, something I recognise. I carved my name there and went to my new job, with the gardeners.

Newt worked there so it wasn't that bad, and the runners had a day off so y/n was also with us, she wasn't working though but she was there!

"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" I ask newt.

"Tried it. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. And besides, where are you gonna go from there?" Newt replied

"Yeah well, what about the box? You know next time it comes up, you just jump-"

"No, we tried that." Y/N then says cutting me off, "the box won't go back down with supplies still in it, let alone with someone."

"Okay well then what if we-"

"No, we tried it, all right? Twice. Trust me, anything you think of, we have already tried. The only way out of here is through the maze. Now look, you wanna be helpful? Here go did us up some fertiliser, y/n you go with him, make sure he doesn't get lost."

"Like I'll know where it is?" Y/N says back chatting her brother. "You'll find it, it's a big pile of shit, it's kind of hard to miss." Newt replies. Y/N rolls her eyes, "Well right now I'm looking at one." She replied staring at newt in a sassy way and grabs my arm and ushers me to follow.

"So.." I try and spark up a conversation but I have no clue what to talk about. Then the maze I can ask what happens, "I heard you were in the maze overnight? How was it?" I ask.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now