chpt 9: the run that goes wrong

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                            [y/n's pov]

Thomas and I eventually reach the food hall, his hand placed around my waist. I walk in knowing all the looks we are going to get. I go to our table and everyone who normally sits there is sat there, Minho, Newt, Chuck, Fry, Jeff and Clint. Thomas and I join them as Newt raises his eyebrows and Minho has a giggle to himself.

"Oh shut up Minho. Get over yourself, seriously." I say to him and he looks at me and just continues to laugh. Making me laugh, his laugh is so contagious.

"So...where have you two been then?" Newts says, "Don't be dicks about it." He follows on. I have no fucking clue what to say, I'm not going to tell him that his best fiend and I are now having sex.

"Well, I think we all know what happened." Thomas says, I can't help but laugh. I give him a nudge and sit down on the table, having a table spoon of rice from newt's platter.

"So.. what happened was th-" Minho starts to explain. But I cut him off before his stupid arse decides to say anything he'll regret.

"Minho I swear to god, if you do not shut your mouth, I will feed you to the fucking goats." I say threatening him, as a joke obviously!

"Whatever shank, we need to get going Alby is waiting for us." He grabs my arm and starts to run out of the hall with me.

We both say bye to everyone and run to the doors.

                         [thomas's pov]

We have all finished our breakfast, we make our way out of the food hall.

"Thanks fry, it was delicious!!"

"Yeah you're really improving!"

I hear people thanking Fry for his cooking. It doesn't look that appealing or appetising but it's actually really nice. Newt, Zart, Chuck and I are now walking to the gardens, I look at the doors to see y/n, Minho and Alby all about to leave the glade. Hold on, alby?

"Why would Alby go in the maze? I mean he's not a— he's not a runner." I say all confused.

"Things are different now Tommy, Alby went to retrace Bens footsteps before sundown. Look, are you gonna help?" Newt says sick of my questions, but how can you expect me not to ask them. I ignore his anger and ask another question.

"So he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung?"

"Alby knows what he's going. All right? He knows better than any of us. It's like you've heard, every month the box brings up a new person, someone had to be first. Someone had to down a whole month in the glade alone. And that was Alby. I mean it can't of been easy, but after the boys came up one after another plus y/n, he started to see the truth of things. We are all in this together." Newt says, finally explaining something in a way my brain understands it.

I just look in silence and decide to stop asking questions. It was probably the best idea. I got up and started chipping at the tree trunk joining in with zart and newt, while Chuck was sat there carving something.

"Yeah, there you go, greenie!" I hear newts encouragement come from above. I heard thunder. A storm was starting to come in...

                           [y/n's pov]

As I'm running trying to figure out where Minho and Alby are, following their footsteps. It's starts to completely chuck it down. There footsteps are being washed away and I can't follow them anymore. I ran to the doors of the glade, screaming and panicking. Tears are brewing in my eyes.

"The rains to heavy, Minho and Alby a gone, I can't find them. The rains washed away all their footsteps. I don't know what to do." I scream trying not to ball my eyes out. It felt like my throat was closing up. I could barely breathe or speak.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now