chpt 24: the keycard

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                        [3rd person pov]

All the boys have gathered in the cafeteria for breakfast, they haven't seen y/n in a day, and Teresa in two. A tension is rising between everyone.

Meanwhile, Janson is reading out the names from his clipboard. Every person in the hall is waiting in anticipation and silence, praying their name will be called. But something pokes the silence between the 6 boys.

"I wanna know what's through that door." Thomas says whispering to the boys surrounding, gaining a look from them.

"Now, we've been over this. You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw...It could've been anything." Newt says trying to prevent Thomas from doing anything he'll regret.

"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies. Aris said they bring in a new batch every night." Thomas says in reply.

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho questions, shooting a confused look at Thomas.

Thomas doesn't say anything, he just points in the direction of the strange boy. He's still sat on his own, playing with a piece of bread.

"Well, I'm sold." Minho lets out a smug laugh.

The last name was called, they all lined up ready to go through the doors, the ones that y/n and possibly Teresa were behind. Thomas didn't break his stare, continuing to investigate the guards every motion closely.

"Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, alright?" Newt says, hoping to calm Thomas down.

It seemed to have worked, but then. Thomas slams his hands in the table and springs out of his seat. Aris noticed and has his eyes following him.

"What is he doing?" Newt exclaims in a panicked tone.

"I think he's drawing attention to himself." Fry says trying to hold back a smile.

Thomas is walking to the double doors, pretending to be one of the new recruits for the safe place. His head down, trying to blend in. A hand is placed on his chest with blunt force, the guard from yesterday.

"Woah, hang on. You weren't called." He says positioning himself infront of the doors.

"I'm just gonna be a second, okay?" Thomas says, starting to walk towards the doers again, but gets pushed back.

"This is a restricted area, kid." The guard says while pushing him again.

An obvious wave of frustration flows through Thomas, he doesn't like to be pushed. "I want to see my friends, let me through." He says in an attempt to distract them.

The guard lets out a breath, and pokes at Thomas right in the chest, "Get your ass back in that chair." Then he pushes him again.

Thomas turns away, but immediately turns back around, running towards the door again. Catching them off guard. The guard grabs him, throws him back. Just like Gally did back in the glade.

"Back off." The guard shouts in frustration, everyone's attention is now being directed at the two 'men' fighting a boy.

"What's your problem man!?" Thomas says, pouncing at the guard.

"Back off!" The guard says harshly shoving him back, he would've fallen over but luckily all the other boys ran over to protect him.

"Why won't you let me see her?!" Thomas shouts, spit flying everywhere.

"Control your friend." The guard says pointing his finger at Thomas.

Janson rushes in, intercepting the violence, "What's happening here?" He says with his Irish accent showing. "Thomas? If this is about y/n, she's fine."

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