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Minerva woke with a groan. Every muscle in her thighs and back ached, and when she remembered why they ached, a soft, contented moan left her throat.

Fucking Mona like that had been the best thing she'd done in years. Minerva hadn't cum so hard in so long, each orgasm more pleasurable than the last. The memories alone were riling her up; Mona's cries and sweet tears, how beautifully she begged.

Minerva stirred, stretching out her body and opening her eyes. Snuggled into her neck was Mona, giving her the sleepiest, cutest look. Minerva cooed softly, stroking Mona's cheeks and shifting to kiss her forehead. The warmth that spread through her at seeing Mona sent a lovely shiver down her spine.

"I'll make coffee," Minerva murmured and Mona nodded, yawning. Slipping from the bed, Minerva's overworked muscles complained, but it didn't stop her from almost skipping to the bathroom.

Done, she came out and started the coffee, dropping her head down and rolling her neck, arching her back in such a way to stretch it. Yawning, she straightened, oblivious to the fact she was stark naked until a robe hit her side. Turning her head, she gave Mona an unimpressed look, but Mona poked her tongue out.

Wrapping the robe around herself, Minerva poured their coffees, handing Mona hers and taking a seat at the table. The table that she'd fucked Mona to oblivion on only a few hours before. Body tingling at the memory, Minerva looked up at the bed, growing cold.

Mona was sitting up, the duvet bunched at her waist as she stretched. Marks littered her pale skin, bruises and bites, scratches and red lines. Minerva swallowed a burning mouthful of coffee, worry bleeding into her veins.

Minerva knew she was a rough lover, and having not had sex in the way she truly enjoyed it for so long, she feared she'd gone too far with Mona the day before. It brought back memories of Elodie, of how brutal their sex life was. Minerva didn't particularly want to go back to that, because as good as it was, they were extremely violent with each other.

The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Mona like that. Usually she didn't feel such intense regret over her actions, but seeing just how rough she'd been made her feel nauseous.

"You look like you're gonna hurl," Mona said, "do I look that bad in the morning?" She joked, sipping her coffee. Minerva's eyes tracked the marks on Mona's body again and she winced, looking elsewhere. "Miri?" Mona asked, "what's wrong?"

"Your body," Minerva said, voice cracking slightly. She cleared her throat, turning her gaze to her coffee as Mona hopped off the bed with a groan.

Mona twisted this way and that, inspecting the marks that had been left. She went down to the full length mirror, double checking it all with a low whistle and a laugh that startled Minerva.

"Damn, woman," she ran her fingers over the bruises on her hips, "you fucked me good."

"Don't joke," Minerva's voice was too harsh, a snap that made Mona's head whip towards her.

"Lemme clear something up," Mona said, strutting over proudly, "this," she gestured to the marks covering her body, "ain't nothing. I love this. Do it again. Do it harder. I don't care. Cover me in marks, Miri."

"Mona," Minerva sighed and looked up at her, "I was too rough."

"You fuckin weren't," Mona told her sharply. "Nobody's ever fucked me like that," Mona grabbed her coffee from where she'd left it and sat down next to Minerva. "Ever. I loved it."

Minerva didn't relax, knowing now was the time to explain Elodie, and why this bothered her so much.

"May I talk to you about something?" She began and Mona nodded. "It's about Elodie. I want you to know why this," she gestured to Mona's body, "upsets me so much."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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